His Eyes

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Mark's POV

(Right before he offers he name btw, to avoid confusion. Enjoy.)

His demeanor is quiet and sweet, yet disturbed by something. I decide to initiate a conversation with him; I just have to decide how.

I remember the moment his stunning blue eyes met mine and my stomach turns. They held so much depth and emotion, a sea of serendipity. The idea of speaking to him suddenly becomes more complicated than it originally sounded. How is he making me so uneasy? I don't even know the man's name, yet he feels important. Whether it's the gentle curves of his pale face illuminated by the moon or the different world he holds in his eyes, a clear burden, he's different.

I like different.

"My name's Mark, by the way," I manage without stuttering or revealing my chaotic nerves through my voice.

He turns, capturing my gaze once again with those mysterious blue eyes. I stare into them as long as I can, trying to find every fleck of color within them.

"Oh, um... yeah, I'm Jack."

I notice his gaze darting around. I want to grab his face and observe every crease and line of it. Make him speak just so I could listen to his Irish accent. He's so interesting. Why is he out here this late and alone? Is he running from something? What is the slight despair in his eyes? What is his favorite type of pasta? I want to know everything about Jack.

I settle on, "It's a bit cold to be out this late- er- early, I guess, huh?" I force myself to shift my gaze towards the lonely pond, then to the bright moon.

"I could say the same for you, huh," Jack slowly answers, seemingly unsure of himself a slight bit. He too faces forward. "I prefer the cold."

"As do I. And I just love this park; it's almost purely nature itself," I make a slight gesture to the open field and then to the forest area. "Just beautiful in autumn," I stop myself before I ramble on too long. The last thing I want to do is overwhelm Jack with my eagerness to chat with and get to know him.

He leaves a few second to ponder what to say; I can see him trying to find the right words. He turns slightly in my direction, not looking me straight in the face but far enough that we could make eye contact. I turn fully to him as he speaks. "Autumn is my favorite. I only found this place but a couple weeks ago, so I'll have to wait all year for it..." Jack sighed. It felt as if he had more to say as I watch melancholy dance in his bright eyes.

I need to know this man.

Jack's POV

I want to tell him.

Mark's POV

(Don't question me. I know what I'm doing here.)

"It's mine too," I agree calmly. "All the majestic colors and the nice chill in the air. Anyway, there a reason you're out here?" I inquire, trying to maintain a kind and soft voice.

He shifts his gaze downward, obviously debating on telling me. We sit in silence for a moment. I don't care; any moment with him is a nice moment so far. I want to know every inch of his story, no matter how long it might take. I wait, only slightly aware of me staring at his lovely face.

"Just lookin' for inspiration I guess," Jack responds.

Yes, an answer with a bit of substance, I think. However, I say, "For what?"

Jack's POV

To live.

Mark's POV

He looks up and returns my stare once again. His face contorts with thought, but it's a cute contort. Jack's eyes, however, contain a sorrow like no other. It becomes a goal of mine to ease any of this sadness within him. I never want to see his arctic eyes tortured and masked with such an emotion ever again.

His mind is conflicted. Why trust a stranger? Completely understandable, yet I silently urge him to speak his mind and confide in me.

Jack's lips part slightly and his eyes glaze over, as if he were about to cry. I see him looking up and down my face and occasionally to my chest, studying me, and I let him. I can stand the piercing misery in his stare no longer.

I reach my hand and gently touch his shoulder. "You don't have to answer that," I smile reassuringly as he returns his tragic eyes to mine, where they belong. "It's not my place to ask a question like that, I'm sorry," I apologized, keeping my voice low and steady. "You don't have to say another word if you don't want to. If you want me to leave you alone, I will. If you want me to stay here in silence with you, I'll do that too."

"That's very kind of you. Thank you. I don't mind whatcha do though. Stay or leave, which ever one you want," Jack replies in his gorgeous accent.

"I'd like to stay if you don't mind," I say to him, smiling brightly as I try to downplay the joy I feel dancing in my eyes. I reluctantly remove my hand from his shoulder yet keeping our gaze a bit longer.

Forcing myself to break our eye contact, I notice the sky has gotten lighter, slowly reaching its soft, warm colors into the depths of night. Time flew. As the world warms, the pond begins to steam along with the earth. Grass gleams with dew. The sight around me makes me smile all the more.

Jack breaks my focus from the beauty of nature around us by scooting closer and gently resting his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Mark," I barely hear him say.

I smile radiantly looking down at him and answer him by wrapping my arm around the small man. It would take some large force to move me from the peaceful spot.

I really like this guy.


Hey, hope you enjoyed :)

Also, sorry if you were waiting on this, even though this story doesn't have a lot of views. Personal stuff, ya know?

And lastly, I have no idea where this story is gonna go. Just no clue whatsoever. I've just been writing and coming up with this as I go. So please leave your thoughts so far and possible ideas, because I could really use a direction to go with this.

Stay amazing ♥♥

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