I Met Him

207 11 1

Enjoy ~

Jack's POV

I was staring into the murky lake. The moon's light reflects on the greenish-brown water, the ripples causing the image to be distorted. I breathe in the late winter air and observe the trees and park around me. The area is very open; this place is often used for picnics. The bench underneath me was cold at first, but sitting on it for a while helped warm up my spot.

"How long have I been here?" I mumble to myself. I've lost track, not caring to budge from this spot since dusk. All I've done was examine the surroundings, noticing the starving trees and the environment around me. I didn't even bring my phone.

I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees and my face on my hands. I look down at my feet toward the ground. As I do so, I slowly breathe out in a sigh, watching as steam emits from mouth. I continue to watch it float up and dissipate in the nothingness of the night.

A voice penetrates the quiet around me.

"Hey, um, do you mind if I sit here?" asks the low, quiet, and calm voice. The man's voice shook me, its depth and tone so pleasing to the ear. I lift my head lean back slightly, partially startled. My eyes met with a very attractive man.

The soft light of the moon illuminates the stranger slightly, revealing perfectly messy dark brown hair and almond shaped eyes. I could make out his slightly red nose and cheeks; he had been in the cold for a while too. The man had a muscular body, noticeable even through the jacket he was wearing. But the most important thing the moonlight allowed me to see was his gentle, genuine smile and his deep, expressive brown eyes.

"Of course..." I say lightly, suddenly becoming conscious of my Irish accent.

I watch as he nods and begins to sit beside me on the bench. I move over slightly to allow him more room. I lean forward once again, placing my elbows back on my knees. I clasp my hands together and just stare out at the pond as an attempt to avoid eye contact with the man.

Silence stands between us for a short while. I wonder if I should just remain quiet or engage him in some boring small talk. There's a feeling between us, and it doesn't feel like awkwardness.

"My name's Mark, by the way," he says, interrupting my thoughts with his voice low and calm.

I turn my head and look him in he eyes. I stare, captivated by the depth of his chocolate brown eyes. "Oh, um... yeah, I'm Jack."


Author's Note:

I hope this wasn't awful and I'm sorry if it was. It's also pretty short. But anyway, this'll be my first series, and I hope it goes well. I'm not sure how often I can update because I have a lot going on in my life right now, but hopefully the wait won't be too bad. :)

Anyway, have a wonderful day or night, or whatever.

Stay lovely ♥

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