Chapter 13

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P.O.V Ryland (Yeah i thought i should change it up a bit )

.Ok, so pros and cons of telling Jade how i feel


she beautiful

has a perfect body

funny, kind sweet and we have a lot in common

she could like me back and then she can be all mine


She Dose'nt like me back

I embarrass myself

Shes doesn't live in California

if she does like me back, long distance relationships never work

Look like its not such a good idea. Why does everything have to be so complicated? Right now i was in the hospital garden just relaxing and thinking about everything that going on. I had already called Riker and told him that Alex had woken up and that she was fine and that him and the girls to get some rest and come tomorrow. There is nothing they can really do so they might as well rest and since they know Alex is awake and Fine, it more of a reason for them to relax.

 As for me, I decided not to go home, since we drove to the hospital in one car and Riker used it to drive the girls home. I would call a taxi but i have no money on me at the moment but anyway i think it better to stay here, it gives me More time to think about everything. I really hope Alex is ok, she might be physically fine at the moment but mentally I'm not sure. She went through something traumatic, something like that just doesn't go away so easily,

 P.O.V Alexandra

"Hey Daddy"

 "Hey Alex, how everything going? are you ok? Is everything going well?" my dad asked, i could tell that he missed me and was generally concerned, after all it is my first time being away from them for so long

"yes dad I'm fine, don't worry" i assured him

"good, i just miss you. Have you remembered to take your medication this morning?"

"Yes dad, Don't worry I'm a big girl, i can take care of myself" i said rolling my eyes

"You will always be my little girl and i hope your not looking at any boys over their" My dad said in a stern voice

"haha me boys, haha that's funny dad. you know i am never good with boys. haha...your so weird dad" i lied. As you can tell im not the best liar

"Alex is everything ok? Your not lieing to me are you."

"No! of course not, why would you say that" i asked worriedly 

"Hey Alex, i brought you some Water, i figured you might want some water, ill put it right beside the bed. " Ross said coming through the door. Seriously, this boy has the worst timing

"Alex, who is that? is that a boy? are you alone in a room with a boy?" My dad asked. i could tell he was getting angry

I glared at Ross. He has such bad timing!

"No...I mean yes but its not what you think" i replied s quickly as possible

"Really, so tell me. enlighten me with your story, whats going on"

"um..." was all i could say

"well, im waiting"  my dad said, i could tell he was getting impatient

'This is all your fault' i mouthed to ross

Ross just put up his hand in surrender

"well you has Family here in California, her aunt and cousins. Yes thats it! and well we went  to see since she hadent seen them in forever" 

Hmm not bad. The lies believable. i smiled, so far so good.

"I didnt know Becca had family in California" 

"Neither did we until we got here" i said

"Anyway"... i countinued "we went to see her family and as i was going to the bathroom i tripped" i explained

"How did you trip?" My dad asked

"i tripped by...umm, i tripped on...  AN ELEPHANT!"

Ross raised hes eyebrows clearly confused and mouthing 'really an elephant'

i gave him a look saying,'one more word and your dead'. He clearly got the message

"An Elephant?" My dad questioned

" you see, Beccas youngest cousin is one years old and she had this littlw toy elephant lieing on the floor and you know clumsy old me didn't see it and i tripped over it" i said letting out a long breath, finishing my little lie and hoping he would believe it. If my dad really found out the truth about everything he would thing i was irresponsible and would never trust me again and not to mention he would freak out if he found out what happened to me and i really dont want to stress him out, he already has enought to worry about and i know its a huge thing what hapened to me but, i just want him to relax.

"hmmm that still dosn't explain the boy" he said

" well you see, after i tripped over i hurt my ankle pretty badly, so i went to the Doctor to check out my ankle and one of Beccas cousin which is a boy just came to get me a drink. That's it." 

"That's it" he asked

"yes that's it"

"OK i believe yes"

YES! I'm off the hook, he believed me, thank goodness

"Thank you, anyway that reminds me umm...daddy i have to stay a couple of extra days here" i whispered afraid of his reaction

"WHAT! ALE..., that's all i heard because an agonising pain came to my head. i immediately dropped my phone

"AHHH" i shouted 

i put my head in my hand and i was ready to pull my hair out. IT.HURT.SO.MUCH.

P.O.V, Ross

 As soon as i heard Alex yell in pain, i rushed to her bed side

"ALEX ALEX, what wrong! are you ok" i said, i was really starting to freak out

"No! my Head. Ugh Ross it hurts so bad" she sobbed

"i know just calm down ok just wai.... alex?" her eyes weren't open anymore... OMG


Haha i know I'm Evil! But that's the end of the Chapter! 

I know what your thinking. I'm probably the worst author ever! i hate myself! i am so sorry for making you wait so long! I REALLY AM SORRY! and i hope you forgive me. I will try to Update in the next couple of days, since school is ending

Ok so you know what to do. Vote, Comment and please tell me what you think. it really means helps and it means a lot to me when you comment and tell me your opinions. 

I love You All <3

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