Chapter 6

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Ross P.O.V

We got home and just threw our lugage in our room and then we got changed for the beach

  "We'll unpack in the morning" Riker said

We headed down stairs when i remembered i forgot my phone

I don really need it but what happens if Alex calls, so i went upstairs got my phone and went to the car and headed for the beach


Once we got to the beach we went straight in the water, it was so hot today. As i got into the water i noticed three girls, they looked so familiar

as they were getting out in remberedwho they were... It was Alex the girl fom the airport, they went to their bags and started getting dired

 "She is so beautiful" i whispered

They were talking and she started laughing, i couldnt help but smile he laugh was just so cute. I finally got the courage to talk to them 

" Hello again" i said

"Hey "she replied            "What you doing here"? i asked     

"Well,like i said before we were coming to the beach and this beach is only 5 minutes away from our hotel, so why are u here?" she said

"When our mum came to pick us up she asked us if we wanted to go to the beach and we agreed and anway this is the closest beach to where i live" i said trying to keep it cool

  " well i guess were not that far away from each other" she said laughing

man her laugh is so cute

"So you wanna go for a walk?" i said hoping she said yes

"Em, is it ok with you guys?" she asked rebecca and jade

"Duh, of course" they said

  "YAY, thanks" alex said

We started walking and it was quite until i broke the silence

  "So whar were you guys laughing about before?" i asked

She told me what happend with her crush and how she hide behind a car, i couldnt help but laugh

"I know, its pretty funny" she said laughing

  "So do u still like him?" i said

"No, i eventually got ever him because i started to have a crush on" but she stopped

  " on who" i asked

"Well, i started to havea crush on you" she said shyly

A huge smile grew on my face

" So do u still have a crush on me" i aksed nervoulsy

"im afraid to answer that" she said

i started laughing "Dont be, to be honest i have a crush on you" i said, my heart was beating so fast

 " well, my answere is yes, i still have a crush on you" she said happily

Riker P.O.V

We were playing football whe i noticed ross wasent here, i started looking around and i finally found him, he was talking to a couple of girls WAIT those werent any girl, those were the cute girl fomr the airport, i walked up to him and he was just leaving with one of the girls, the one her liked it think her name was Alexandra. I saw Rebecca, she looked so beautiful, her brown her and her blue her were perfect. I was falling for her fast, I worked up the courage to talk to her

 "Where are they going" i asked

  "Well once your brother stopped flirting with alex, he asked her if she wanted to go for a walk" she replied

i started laughing. I decided to stay with her, get to know her better i learned that she loved art and music, her favrouite color is blue and she is an only child

 " so i se your an R5 fan" i said pointingat her bracletes

"Yep, i love your music" she replied

  "Thanks, how did u find out about us?" i said

"Well, when alex started to have a crush on ross, she found out about you R5 ,she told me and i fell in love with your music" she replied

She started smiling, her smile was so beautiful

"Your really cool rebecca we should hang out some time" i said nervoulsy

 "I would love that " she said with a huge smile on her face

"Heres my number, text me when you wanna hang out" i said

"I will" she said

She was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen

So what do u think? Vote,Comment and tell me what u think

And just to let u know , The trajic "EVENT" will happen in a few chapter

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