Chapter 10

812 13 7

Alexandra P.O.V

I woke up the next morning in the guest room, how the hell did i get form the living room to the room? i look to my right and realise that jade and rebecca were waking up

jade burst out laughing

"whats so funny" rebecca asks

"your hair, you both look redicoulious" jade said

"so do you" me and rebecca said at the same time

"ok fair enought" jade replied

"so how did we get up here" rebecca asked

"must have been the boys, they must have carried us up here when we fell asleep, Ryland is so sweet" jade said

me and rebecca looked at each other and we both new it was time to question jade

"so" i started off

"ryland uh, seems like you have a bit of a crush" rebecca said

"what? no way" jade said trying to look away

"oh come on, you were blushing last night when he offered to see the movie and sit beside you and a girl only blushes when she likes a guy" i said

"so what if i like him" jade said

"YES I KNEW IT" rebecca said

"so were leaving in 5 days anyway" jade said

we all looked at each other and i knew we were thinking the exact same thing

"we are going to have to leave them in 5 days" i said dissapointed

"omg how are we going to leave them i am going to miss them so much, not just because i have a crush on riker but they are all our friends now" rebecca said

"i know and i just had my first kiss with ross i dont want to leave him i lo- i mean like him so much and i feel like we have known each other forever and not only him going to miss him, i am going to miss all of them" i said

rebecca and jade just stared at me " did you say love"" they asked

"what, um no," i said

They just started at me but decided to drop it, Thank goodness

"so what the hell are we going to do" rebecca said

"i have no idea, we still have 5 more days and maybe i can get to know ryland" jade said

"NO! you cant do that, none of us can get any closer to the boys" i said

"WHAT WHY" they both wined

"seriously, do i always have to be the responsible one" i said

"yes" jade replied

"anyway, if we get any closer to the boys it going to be way hearder to leave them" i said

"so what do you sujest we do" rebecca asked

"um, i dont know" i said

we all stayed quiet for a bit

"I KNOW" i said jumping up

"omg alex you nearly gave me a heart attack" jade said with her hand over her chest

"sorry, i know you wont like it and trust me i dont like the idea either but we are going to try to avoid them, you know try to spend as little time with them as possible" i said

"are you crazy" rebecca said

"wow becca calm down, alex has a point, i think none of us wanna go home heart broken so i guess even thought i really wanted to get to know ryland i am going to have to deal with it" jade said

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