S1 Episode 2 - New Strange Faces

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  Back at the Genetrix...

  Ever since the beginning of these fellas' new start, they decided the ship was way to empty, and that they need more than just four lone wanderers. They woke up and set up a meeting dedicated to this event. They talk to each other while laying on their beds, like the lazy losers they are.

  "Hey guys, I don't want it to be just us four, we should maybe look for others because well, it sucks having this little people in a huge ship, y'know?" Seth looked around at the empty rooms.

  "I hey niggahs, I got an idea!" Josh pointed a finger upwards. "We should go actually pilot this fucking thing to find others since it's a damn ship!" He turned his head towards Sam. "Hey, Sam the faggot, get looking for the control area or whatever, fix it, and drive this thing!"

  As time passed, the four headed towards the bridge, fixed it without a problem, and decided to sail around space...

  ...Nothing was happening as of now...

  ...Oh hey, a dead 'space' cow was found hovering, lunch time...

  ...Finally, a strange fight club without any walls was found, with a moshpit going on, fighting it out!

  They parked the Genetrix a bit far away so that they can get a good view of what the hell was going on there. Loud music was blaring, gunfire can be heard from far away, and the screams of young sounding idiots can be heard.

  "Hey dickwads, you all suck!" Sam shouted at the crowd. They all suddenly turned towards him, and stared with bloodlust showing in their eyes.

  "Sam, why." Seth placed his palm on his face with shame. He began to power up his body with electricity, ready to throw down with the pile.

  Josh took his axe out of thin air, and darted towards them without a care. He hack and slashed all over the place, blood flying all around. He was doing this to find a potential tough guy to the crew. Nobody could even stand a single slice from him, until suddenly, a tall man with blonde hair, a black, open jacket, running shoes, and tan pants, dodged his attack, and punched him directly in the face.

  They guy seemed relentless, as he unleashed a flurry of punches on Josh's face. Seth tried to stop this by running over and smacking everyone across the face with his electric powered hands, and Sam just watched over to hope that nobody would try to attack the Genetrix.

  The amount of people in one spot was so ridiculous, that if someone else joined in, he would drown with a sea of people, and just like drowning, you would die. Though, Seth, Josh, and the man were pretty visible, killing anyone around them.

  Gabe got bored at one point though, and began to shoot every non-important person in the head to clear the view, and speed the process up. It took awhile, but at one point, the three guys were the only ones seen fighting it out.

  "Hey man, whoa, calm down, we just want you to be in our team, matey!" Seth moved from side to side to avoid getting hit. At one point, was actually hit. He got so pissed off, he grabbed the man's nipples and emit a strong electric zap, knocking him out.

  "Jesus Christ Seth." Josh stared at him for a bit, but decided to take the man's body into the ship. He just tossed the guy over to Sam.

  When the four boarded the ship, they took him to their barracks, and tied him up to Josh's computer chair. They woke him up by splashing Gabe's leftover urine on his face, then they flashed a light right in his face, and surrounded him ominously.

  "Listen up you little stupid piece of shit, join us, or else." Gabe took out a piece of the dead cow they found earlier, turns out it was nearly thousands of years old according to Gabe after he took a bite.

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