S1 Episode 3 - Beefy Lardass

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  Back at the Genetrix...

  As Sam tried to get up, he was barely even able to open his eyes. It felt as if cement was put on his eyelids to prevent ever waking up, well, until Spencer shook him awake to eat breakfast of course.

  "Sam, come on Sam, get up and eat some food!" Spencer kept yanking on his arm, trying to drag him towards the cafeteria where everyone else was.

  By the time Sam was finally there, still feeling like a zombie, he was suprised to see that the group is already is growing, the three new members even got that mark etched into the back of their hands.

  A delicious feast of waffles, pancakes, eggs, and various meats were plastered on the tables to impress any onlookers. Which there were none, but Sam began to stuff himself in a desperate effort to get up.

  "Hey guys, since we have limited supplies and all, want to go scavenge some items to check out what space has to offer?" Seth asked, as he took every meat that was visible. "As much as I'd generally just play video games and do absolutely nothing, this is my first time here, so I want to see what it has to offer."

  "Fuck that, I'm just take a break today to shit out this dry log from a portal from hell, that has been refusing to release." Gabe was only in his underwear, casually sitting around, as everyone stared at him, and decided to just take that as 'no.'

  "Sure, why the hell not, I'm no rude dude." Josh accepted, as he stood up, and walked to the barracks to probably clean his axe. Everyone else just nodded in acceptance, as they were too busy dining.

  By the time they finished, they geared up with their weapons, and Sam got the Genetrix prepared for another time of exploration...

  ...Day 1: it's empty space, but it seems a trail of guts was left behind, so they decided to follow it...

  ...Day 2: something can be seen looming in the distance, a giant metal box with steel bars for windows, meat seemed to have surrounded the place, and their was a booming sound of engines, and factory machines...

  ...Day 3: they parked the Genetrix a few meters outside of the giant, metal square, and decided to land down and check the place out.

  "Alright guys, hope you're ready, because I'm most certainly not." Seth shook a bit, thinking about what lurked within the building. He gripped his hands tightly, and checked how everyone else was doing.

  "Hey guys, can I do something first please?" Spencer asked, as he slowly opened the door to the workshop.

  Seth squinted his eyes at him. "Erm, yeah, go ahead dude." Spencer slowly disappeared into the room. "Alright, everyone else ready (besides Gabe and Spencer)!"

  Most of them roared, pumped up for what was waiting, except Ayden, he still didn't necessarily want to do this. Then, they ran out to the front door of the building. It towered over them.

  Josh began to bang his hand on the door. "Hey, anybody over here, we want to see what your 'awesome' place has to offer!" He chuckled at what he said. Nobody answered.

  Sam pulled out a grappling hook he brought. "Guess it's time to use this sweet ass thing I made then, my boys!" He tossed it up towards one of the windows above, and got a tight grip on it. "After you guys." Sam raised his eyebrows up and down.

  They all began to climb up, and once they got inside, it was those typical, industrial factories with many conveyor belts, and the name 'Slaughterhouse Fission,' was plastered all over the walls. There were also many similar looking workers cutting, sorting, and observing various kinds of meat. If anything, they looked like slaves.

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