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Blood spattered everywhere. It had gotten all over Cry Baby's dress and shoes. She looked at Aedan, who was absolutely terrified. His eyes had fear wiped across them.

"C-C-Cry Baby?" his voice stuttered.

Cry baby pulled a red marker out and drew a strait line across his forehead. She dropped the marker beside him and then walked off. Potato and Pro. Splice ran over to Aedan and looked at the Ice Cream Man's body.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Pro. Splice said, confused.

"S-She did it. The girl, Cry B-Baby. She shot him." Aedan continued, "I swear, I didn't do it."

Potato face palmed.

"So I'm supposed to believe that an eight year old girl had a gun in her possession and that she knew how to shoot it?" Pro. Splice said, angrily.

"I, I don't know.." Aedan starred at the floor "She just, shot him.."

"Well I think you should leave. Now."

Aedan walked outside the building. He looked at Cry Baby who was sitting on the curb looking at the bumpy road in front of her. He walked over to her and sat down.

"Hey.." Aedan said softly to Cry Baby.

"What do you want," Cry baby groaned, "You probably hate me,"

Aedan watched one of Cry Baby's salty tears fall off her cheek and splash on the ground.

"No, it's not a big deal. Pro. Splice has just been really strict lately because of money cuts. He has no time for shenanigans." Aedan explained.

Cry Baby stood up and pulled her gun out of her pocket.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Aedan quickly put his hands above his head and sat into a kneel.

"Calm down, idiot. I'm just reloading,"

"Do you really need a gun?"

"What if something were to happen again? I know so much more about the Ice Cream Man then you do."

"I understand" Aedan said, ending the conversation.

Cry Baby and Aedan sat in silence for ten minutes.

Potato walked out of the building and broke the silence, "You guys can't just sit on the curb all night and whine. Lets go."

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