You Can Call Me..

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That evening, Aedan had his mind take over his soul.
"Stupid ass Splice.."
"Why can't I just be happy in life?!"
Aedan heard the door crack open. He watched a dark figure move across the room, and in less then 5 seconds, Cry Baby was right next to Aedan. She crawled in bed with him, hugged him and began to speak.

"I know what it's like to leave your family members behind. Trust me, you will see Johnny soon. He is not happy with who he is with right now, and they will give him back to you, soon." Silence filled the room. "My momma hated me. She wishes I was a boy, like my older brother. Same with daddy. He wanted someone he could play sports like football and basketball with.."

"Thank you, Cry Baby."

"You can call me.. Melanie."

"Ok, I really like that name. Melanie,"

Melanie snuggled up beside Aedan and fell asleep. She felt calmed, safe, she had a great feeling that she could trust someone for the first time of her life. She thought it felt great. Melanie loved Aedan.

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