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Aedan put his hands over his eyes and groaned, "Why can't my damn life be normal?"

"because you chose your life to be interesting," Evelyn said as she was taking the bong out of the room.

"That makes no sense," Aedan protested.

"It does, actually," Cry baby mumbled. Aedan rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to sleep. I'll figure out how to get this stench out of this room in the morning," Aedan grunted.

"Where will I stay?" Evelyn questioned.

"Here," Aedan said as he passed a key to Evelyn, "Third floor up, 6 doors down,"

"Okay, I'll go put my stuff away," Evelyn said as she grabbed her bag and continued to the stairwell. She looked back at Aedan and then glanced at her phone. No notifications. She turned around and pushed the door open with her back, and started up the stairs. Aedan started taking the paintings off the walls and pillow cases off of the pillows. Cry Baby looked at Aedan, and watched him try and save his living room.

"I'm going up to my room." Cry Baby mentioned. Aedan didn't look towards her, but he nodded. She turned around and started skipping up the stairs. Since she didn't have any bags, she ended up catching up to Eva, who was making her way up the second flight of stairs. She bumped into her which caused Evelyn to jump

"Oh, you startled me," She said as she gripped a bag. "Hey, If you help me take this bag up to my room, I'll give you a present." She motioned her arm out to show Cry Baby the bag. Cry Baby lifted it expecting it to be heavy, though it was surprisingly light. After they made it to Evelyn's floor, they started walking down the hall. "So how long have you been living here?" Evelyn asked.

"About two weeks," Cry Baby replied. "Momma got me taken away again."

"Well, I bet you are having a better time here than you ever were at your old house," Evelyn said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, Aedan is really nice." Cry Baby agreed as they got to Evelyn's door. Evelyn opened the door to see the room's massive size, bathroom and all.

"Woah," Evelyn said in awe as she took a couple steps into the room. Cry Baby followed behind her.

"It's really big," Cry baby chirped, "Bigger than mine!" Evelyn placed her bags on her bed and unzipped one, inside, a white box, almost the size of a book.

"Here," Evelyn smiled as she handed Cry Baby the box. "Never used, I really never needed it." Cry Baby opened the box, and inside, a tablet, about the size of her head. it had a white rim and a lens on the front and back. A couple buttons on the sides, but a big one on the bottom. on the back of it, had a silhouette of a small fox, assumably the company's logo. Cry Baby placed it gently on the bed and went over to hug Evelyn. A long hug, around 10 seconds. Evelyn acquiesced her head and smiled slightly. "I knew you'd like it," She remarked as she let go of Cry Baby.

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