Good Byes

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⛳️Golfing Pro⛳️
7:47 am

Tech Guy: (letting all seven into the room at once) "You guys will be in here for the next twenty or so minutes. Then you'll be called into make up. The younger ones are currently in there and are just about done. Help yourself to some food and drinks while you wait. A security guard down the hall will get anything you need alright?"

[once she leaves, the TV mounted on the wall is the only thing providing sound in the room, it displays what's happening on stage]

On Stage
Nick Grimshaw: (smiling brightly) "Hello! I'm Nick Grimshaw, and I'm here to invite you to our hour long golfing special on BBC." (holding hands up) "Wait! Before you change channels, this is a different type of golfing special, there will be no shots of our feet as we hit the ball, or images of us riding golf carts down the course, no. This is Golfing Pro."

[montage of highlights (such as: Louis Tomlinson and Max Georges fight, Max and Siva trying to open the door with the worker, and Max George's wheelchair rolling down the hill) flash on the screen]

On Stage
Nick Grimshaw: "Some of you might be wondering what exactly 'Golfing Pro' is and who these fourteen dapper young lads are, and if you join us after this break we'll explain that and more."

Luke: (breaking silence) "Have you seen Zayn's face?"

Louis: "It was pretty splotch-y on the initial day. I saw him on Thursday, and swelling went down a bit."

Luke: "I just saw him when he came in, and he's got little bitty red spots all over his face and neck. It's gonna take a miracle to fix that."

Louis: (it's silent for a bit, speaks up) "Harold, I reckon Niall's been to your school of fashion-" (simultaneously slapping both boys on the chest) "-'cause ya 've both got your tits out."

Niall: "Oi!" (holding chest where he was hit) "I'm just showing some chest hair, some skin." (popping another button) "Ladies like that."

Harry: (rubbing his chest, snickering) "All I'm seeing is pasty pale white skin. Put it away!"

Ashton: "No, wait." (getting up) "I think see one." (walking towards Niall) "Oh." (touching his chest, flicking something off) "Never mind it was just a crumb."

Niall: (slapping his hand away) "Knock it off."

Luke: (to everyone) "It's nice to see you all in the same room again. Hasn't been this way since the hospital, strangely enough. How's life been treating ya?"

Harry: "Well, we all just hung out last night, so nothing has really changed."

Max: (speaking for the first time, bitterly) "My leg is still broken."

Louis: (eyes gleaming, genuinely happy, tauntingly) "But you still managed to make it here any how."

Max: (looking around the room) "It was my pleasure, got a little boring at home. No screaming and yelling, just silence for once. Quite crazy."

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