In The Beginning

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Trailer by @escapism-

"Octavia," I stood in the bathroom, my red hair pulled away from my face and my green eyes starring back at me in their hazing taunt. I pulled the red sweater that fell off of my shoulders up higher before turning to yell out of the door.

"Yes, Clary?" Through the bed room door that I shared with four others, I saw Clary standing at the base of the staircase, her dyed blue hair falling around her face and matching blue eyes laughing up to me. Clary didn't need to be here, unlike the rest of us she chose to help out at the orphanage, to look after the ones who were too old to be wanted. She would arrive in the mornings and leave in the middle of the afternoon for her job at the animal shelter, spending more time with us than any other caretaker that they shifted through here.

"We need help in the kitchen," I nodded my head and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me. There was a total of fifteen kids here, ten of them went to school because of donations, the other five, including me, kept the place from falling apart.

The youngest of the five was Kevin, a small Asian thirteen year old that came here about two years ago after his parents died, black hair uncut and brown eyes full of tears, he was still growing used to the idea of being here. Then there was the twins, fifteen year old Mathew and Maddy, with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes they have been thrown around group homes since I could remember, never wanting to leave each others side, but always ending up together. Next in the food chain was me, Octavia Ceider, a sixteen year old girl with dreams that would never leave the peeling walls and molding tubs of this place, not once to meet the family that was killed in a gang raid.

Finally there was James, the seventeen year old that was counting down the days to his birthday, when he could leave this place and get a home of his own. Green eyes and black hair that covered them most of the time when it wasn't gelled up; he was as selfless as he was tall, and always treating me like family from the day I learned to walk.

In the kitchen James was playing cards with Kevin and Clary was swatting dark smoke away from the stove, "What did you do?" I joined her, opening the window that held a broken screen inside as the rotting smell flied out of the house.

"I tried too cook," She mumbled, "The city really should fund some renovations around here."

"They really should fund us in general," I heard James add from behind me, letting Kevin win a round he could have had.

For the rest of the day I cleaned and cooked, I helped the kids with homework on their way home and washed them for bed. With my head pounding and four sleeping girls in the room I crawled into bed, happy to be wrapped in sheets instead of sweat.

My calm was short-lived when I heard the crash from the foyer, lights filled the hallway and more breaking glass could be heard as well as shouts that woke me from my dazed dreams.

The girls around me awoke with a start, most clutching their blankets and letting out cries. I got up and began tucking them under the beds the way Clary had set us to do in practiced drills, draping blankets over the sides of the beds to cover them. I heard cries from down the halls, there were two more rooms with five kids in each, and gang raids were something they didn't think could happen at the edge of town.

I pressed against the walls and tried to look down the stairs, all I could make out was shadows dashing back and forth in the moon light that dripped through the broken down doorway. I slid on the wall, making my way down to the next room, holding my breath before I heard a yell.

"Hey, kid!" My eyes widened and I to my right, from the room I just left, was one of the girls, a young five year old that had just came here three months ago.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs as I ran towards her, my body shaking as I pushed her to one of the beds, turning and putting my arms and legs out to block the doorway before a body stood in front of me, a dark hood over their face and guns visible on their belt.

"Move," A male voice spoke under the shadows. I stayed there, not talking and a tremble ran through my body, making me feel weak as I tried to stand my ground.

"You will have to kill me first," I said, raising my head, none of these kids knew what it was like to have someone look after them, they didn't deserve to be given over again.

"I don't want to hurt you darling, I just want one of them," I could feel the smile under his cold voice as I bit down on my cheek.

"Then take me," Now my mind was turning around in circles as I heard a laugh through the hood, "They're just kids, I know what I am getting myself into."

An iron hard grip on my arm and he removed his hood. Underneath it laid grey eyes and black hair with a strong jaw line and a white smile that glittered in the moonlight, "Trust me, honey, you have no idea what you're getting into," He pulled me from the door frame, dragging me down the hallway and down the stairs to a group that had formed at the bottom, dressed the same as the man holding me with their hoods up and hands grabbing at everything they found, breaking it or pocketing it.

"I've go one," The man yelled over them. All of the hoods turned to face us, I counted five not including the man. A chorus of claps and whistles came from them before they began running out of the splintered down doors with me tripping behind them.

In the cracked driveway of the rundown building were two black vans with tinted windows and headlights blinding me.

I was vaguely aware of the shaking that took over my legs and arms, slowly creeping its way into my center, I had read enough news articles to know what was happening to me though. I may be dead by morning, for all I knew they would drop me off in a field across the world, but I would never be back here again, once an orphan goes missing they might as well be dead to the rest of the world.

The possibilities drew through my mind as we reached the car, I didn't have enough time to pull away before a rag covered my mouth and nose, taking me over to darkness as my screams were muffled by the engine of the car.


First chapter!! Please tell me what you think and vote if you liked it!

Edited 4/2/2017

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