Death Of A Bachelor

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For a group of highly trained assasins and soldiers, I have never seen so much panic in one room; however I've never seen a dead body, let alone three hanging from a ceiling like rag dolls.

Two men dressed head to toe in riot gear came running by, yelling at everyone to return to their rooms until further notice, Will grabbed my shoulders and turned me into the crowd, pushing on my neck so I could hide my face in his shoulder while the men passed. We rushed among the throngs of people, trying to fight our way to another staircase.

The entire compound was in complete chaos, and the smell that came from those bodies was horrendous, like those whip lashes had been burned into them, frying their skin and the air that cut around them. "Where are we going?" I yelled as Will pushed me past my room and countined walking at almost a jog.

We were traveling next to two women, one was histerical, calling out a boys name and trying to reach the balcony where the bodies hung. While the other continued to turn her around and force her in another direction. She must have known one of them, I thought to myself, she'll never see him again, all because of me.

"Kaede's room, she'll know what happened." Will's response almost skipped my mind until I realized it was me his storming eyes were looking at. He must have seen my thoughts inked all over my face because he hesitated and then added, "This isn't your fault, Octavia."

After getting elbowed in my bad side a few too many times, Will put me infront of him and tried his best to shield me from the oncoming traffic. After a few more minutes we reached a door with a white line over the door handel.

Will knocked three times and then barged in, pulling me in fast behind him before closing the door and locking it. Kaede's room was on a lower level than mine, but the layout was the exact same, but instead of being grey and white, the room was blue and silver; which made the whole place seem modern yet somehow larger.

Kaede was sitting on the couch with the Seattle news on mute and a small chip in-between her fingers. "Is that it?" Will said looking down at Kaede, who, instead of asking why we had barged in, simply moved over to make room for us.

Sitting down, I noticed that the chip had a slight glow to it and was no bigger then a thumbnail, with a small clip in the side of it and a circular piece of glass embedded into one side. Smooth, glossy, black material made up the rest of it.

"Yea, pulled it out when the screaming started," she flipped the object up into the air, catching it without giving it a second glance. "What took you two so long anyway?" With a flip of her purple-highlighted hair she looked me up and down. The feelings of horror and panic must have been  prominent on my face, because she didn't push for an explanation.

"What is that?" I looked at the chip in her hand, noticing how many scars had laces up her knuckles, along with a small tattoo of a dove on the inside of her left wrist. Such a small detail seemed so important for my mind to grasp onto right now, anything to distract the vision of blood still glowing behind my eyes.

Kaede held it up, like she was looking at it in the light. "It's a security chip, every camera has one and they are all linked together. I got this one from the camera outside my door." She got up and pulled something out of her dresser from behind us, "Speaking of, we'd better look at this before they come to collect it." I stood up to face Kaede at the dresser, watching her calculated moves.

In her hand was now a black disk with three buttons on one side, a thin hole on the other, and a glass circle on the top. The whole thing was no larger than her small hands.

With ease, she slipped the chip into the small hole and hit the middle button, setting the disk onto the ground as she did so. The object beeped twice, like high-pitched dog whistle, before the glass hole turned green and then white.

Will had gotten up, without my noticing; he was now standing by the door, his hand shutting off the lights. For a moment, we were sent into a complete darkness that wrapped around me like a stiff blanket. Then, the light grew from the floor until a hologram enveloped the entire room.

It looked like we were standing on the main floor, looking up at all of the balconies and people milling around. Then the hologram changed, and we were standing on the first floor, looking down the corridor; the position changed a few times before going up to the next floor, and the one after it.

I was stunned as I watched Kaede's couch and bed turn into a much larger area. People milled around the room, walking through the three of us, like we weren't even there. I reached out to touch one, it looked so real, "It doesn't work like that, Octavia." Will was watching me, and despite the events we watched a few minutes ago, he had a strangely calm look as he watched me take in my surroundings. I couldn't quiet place the way he looked at me, but I turned myself away.

"Stop cycle," Kaede spoke, ignoring Will and I. The room stopped shifting as we watched six hooded figures make their way down the hall from my left. Walking right through the bed as they walked in pairs, each hauling a large black bag between them. Bodies, the thought sent a shiver through me. Just as the group reached the balcony, the room plunged back into darkness, but not before one of their faces turned to the camera.

"What happened?" Will's voice sounded agitated to my right, even though I couldn't see him, I could still feel his presence taking up the entire room.

"They must have cut the cameras," Kaede said in front of me, "strange that they didn't-"

I cut her off, replaying the video in my head, "Go back."

"What?" Will turned on the light, and they were both staring at me. Looks of concern and doubt rolling off of them and onto my shoulders.

"I think I saw one of their faces before it cut out, just go back." Without another question Kaede bent down and pushed the left button as Will turned the lights off once again.

We watched again as the hooded people carried the innocent bodies to the balcony, but before the room could go dark, Kaede commanded, "Pause feed."

Standing right in front of me. I could have been fooled to think they were actually there, looking right at me, if their legs weren't distorted by the couch. I was astounded, with a hood up and her hair pulled back, I almost didn't recognize her.

But standing right in front of me, her left hand on a dead body, was the woman who had started all of these problems in the first place, Willow.

Edited 6/2/2017

I'm soooo sorry for the long wait. I plan on writing a lot more over the summer, thank you to everyone who has left comments, messaged me, or voted on this story. It all means a lot to me!

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