Just Listen

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Trailer Created By glitterRosesxx

There's an echo of voices down isolated hallways in my head, aching from years of hurt and stress barring down on me like a knife sinking deep into my chest. I can feel a hand brushing my hair away from my face in slow, calculated movements as the hazing of bright lights barred down onto my eyelids.

Pressing and groaning my vision suddenly filled with the bright lights from the ceiling above me, the feeling of a hand in my hair still present as I tried to move my head. A man, the same one from the night before, sat in chair next to the bed. His black hair gelled up and black fitted clothes pulled on his build, his full lips curved as I tried to inch away from him, "Now, now darling, the drugs are still wearing off."

At the mention of drugs I began moving again, this time stressing my muscles to turn my body off of the bed I had woken up in. Falling onto the floor with a crash I was heaving and aching all over, not a muscle would move another inch without a dying pain.

I could hear the man's sigh from my position on the floor, as his steps grew closer I tried to move further, gripping to the side of the bed and trying to pull myself to the wall to no avail. Within moments the man was in front of me, easily lifting me under my knees and back, and placing me down onto the bed.

"I'm Matt," He looked down to me, sitting back into his chair as if nothing happened, "What would your name be, darling?" His head tilted and a small mocking smile laced his sharp features.

For a moment I simply starred back at him, wondering what I had given myself into as I regained feeling of my body, "Octavia," I finally spoke; when I did, though, I saw a flash of shock cover his face before he regained composure and kept talking.

"Well, Octavia, do you know where you are?" I looked around the room for the first time. The walls were painted a dark navy blue color, to my right was a door that laid open to a bathroom with marble counters and gleaming white walls, in front of me was another door, this one was closed though with a wooden dresser next to it.

To my left was a black couch with white pillows facing a TV and a coffee table that rested against a wall completely formed out of a giant window with a balcony that showed a city I had never seen far below under the rushing of cars. It looked like we were at the top of a mountain, guessing by the height and the grass under the window itself. The bed I was laying on was simple, navy blue sheets and black pillows under my head.

I picked at the red sweater I wore and looked back to Matt, "I-I have no idea," The city looked busy under the setting sun, almost like a moving painting as cars rushed under the light of tall buildings, but I had never been to a city with a mountain like the one we are on.

"Seattle," He looked at me hard in the eye as my face went blank.

"No, no," My hands held my head, "That's- that's half way across the country, why-."

"We went to Chicago so that the police couldn't track us when you were reported missing," My mind was buzzing, how would Clary react when she goes to the home? What would James do, would he even leave now that I wasn't there to take care of the kids?

"Oh could you please stop the dramatics, you chose this," Now he looked inpatient, like I should have known this when I first stood between him and the younger girl, "You said you knew what your getting yourself into, didn't you?"

I clenched my teeth, "What kind of gang goes-,"

"We're not a gang," His laugh was loud and almost mocking, "We're, a sort of Mafia."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but a Mafia means more than you and the five guys who kidnapped me," He raised his eyebrows and got up, going through the dresser before pulling out clothes and shoes from behind it.

"Put these on, I'll have someone show you around," He placed the clothes on the counter in the bathroom and turned to help me up.

I pushed his hand away and helped myself off of the bed, swaying before grabbing the wall and tripping into the bathroom, closing the door and blocking out Matt's ring of laughter as he left the room.

Looking into the mirror my red-brown hair was flattened to my clothes, I looked the exact same as I had this morning, but I felt completely different. Once I put the clothes on I was in a black pair of leggings with a red stripe up the sides, a black fitted V-neck that show too much of the curves I didn't realize I had and a deep red jacket that I tied around my waist. Pulling my hair into a bun at the nape of my neck and tying on the combat boots Matt had given me I now felt and looked like a different person.

For the first time in my life I stood in completely clean clothes with no holes or stains or weird smells on them, they weren't donations and they weren't hand-me-downs. They fit me like they were mine, because they were.

Walking out of the bathroom a man, dressed in black running pants and a white t-shirt sat on the bed. He was blankly running his hands through his messy black hair when the ocean in his eyes met mine. He took the dirty clothes I carried from my arms and threw them into the garbage can next to the bed. "Seriously?" I glared at him, my arms now empty.

"I just did you a serious favor-," Without agreeing I pulled the red shirt from the trash can and held it tight.

"It was a gift," I responded to his raised eyebrows.

"Okay then, I'm Will," He began walking out of the room, motioning for me to follow him out of the room and down a short corridor that had two other doors and chandeliers hanging above us that made the off-white walls glow. Our shoes clicked off of the marble floors as I picked up to a jog trying to keep up with Will's long strides.

At the end of the hall there was a large drop off down a wide set of velvet stairs that went under ground with glistening crystal lights showing the way, as we walked we passed different corridors that branched off of the stairs, after a short lived silence the stairs came to an end to a very large room.

Will and I stood on a balcony over looking the room, standing on the black floors against the crystal railings I looked down onto what I could only describe as magnificent. Below was a floor with the symbol of a gun with and arrow crossing it like and X engraved into the tiles. There were other balconies above and below us that also looked down to the floor. At the bottom there were two staircases that spiraled to meet in the middle and went back up to meet the landings. On the North and South sides of the room there were large archways that lead, with lighting, to areas I couldn't see, as well as three different smaller archways in-between the two larger ones.

A chandelier lit the whole room and the people inside it, making the floors gleam. Everywhere there were people sparring on mats, fighting with poles that hit with loud clashes or simply fighting skin to skin, flipping or hitting each other with fast agile movements. In other areas people sat at randomly placed tables along the walls, eating or talking to each other.

Everyone seemed to be dressed in black, but all of the women had intricate woven braids that hugged their heads, making them look like warriors, some of the men with longer hair had the same style to them. There must have been at least two hundred of them down there, and I could only imagine how many there were in all, counting thirty balcony levels all lined with doors that sat close together.

I looked to Will, my eyes wide and my mind swirling with thoughts, "What is this?" What all I could make out.

"This your new home." He smiled and held his arms out.

Edited 4/2/2017

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