Chapter 7

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Alex POV

I was talking to my group when Hannah suddenly reminded us of what had happen to Drake yesterday and we started laughing.It was pretty hilarious!

While we were laughing I saw that the new group of boys were still staring at me.So I walk towards them pretending to walk towards the door as they were standing near the door.While I was walking,Crazy Charlotte just have to stand in front of me.She was frowning.The frown quickly turn into a smirk.

"Well...well...well! If it isn't you bitches!"She yell.I just stand there and folded my arms.I looks towards my right and saw that the group of new boys were looking at the scene.Great! If they see my bad side I am sure they don't want to be near me!

"What do you want Charlotte?"Bri asked in a very irritating voice.

"You dickhead!You just have to attract attention don't you! I was supposed to be the one who was getting the attention not you!"She yelled louder this time.Now she have to make a scene.If only she knew what I can do.

I am getting irritated at this point.

"Shut up!You are the one who is a dickhead!Before-"Stacy reply back but before she could finish, I cut her off.I have enough of Charlotte nonsense.

"Look Charlotte.We all know that you are the co-captain of the cheerleader bla bla bla...Look at me Charlotte...LOOK AT ME! Do you really think I care about you?"I said.

"Duh!Of course you do!You are jealous of me cause I am the co-captain and that I am really hot!"She said.

I just sigh and walk away.While I was walking towards the door, Charlotte scream.

I continued to walk but she just had to open her big fat mouth.
"Well at least I have a mum!"She yelled.I stop on my tracks when I heard that.My anger was rising.How dare she talk about my mum that way.

From the corner of my eye I could see Troy and Ryan running towards me.Troy and Ryan went to our school too but they don't seat with us at lunch or talk with us that often as they are supposed to be my secrect bodyguard.

I am fuming and Troy and Ryan was getting closer.So I put my hand up asking them to stop.Ryan stop on his tracks and look nervous.

Troy continue walking towards me even though I ask him to stop right there."Stay where you are!"I say in a venom voice to Troy.Their faces expression was shitless scared.

"Don't you dare talk about my mum that way!WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME BITCH!"I yelled while pushing Charlotte shoulder.

"Come on babe...don't do this!"I could hear Troy begging not to start this.I put my hands up which mean silence.

I could see fear and nervous in Charlotte eyes.

"What are you going to mother girl!"She yelled trying to cover up her fear.

"What I am going to do?"I say while pushing her shoulder.


I push her towards the wall and lean in."You will regret it!Do you understand me?"I whisper to Charlotte.Her face was straight scared of me.
"Remember that!"I say.
My group and I walk inside the hallway.Troy and Ryan are also following me.The bell rang and I could see the new boys walking pass me towards their classroom.I held my hand out telling my group to stay.

After the hallway is clear,I turn towards them.

"Today we have a meeting,"I say. They all nodded.
"At 6:00 and at my place.I will inform DJ,Charlie,David and Ben,"I continued.They all nodded.They keep on asking if I am fine and I say yes.Troy and Ryan went to their chemestry class while Hannah,Bri,Stacy Ally and me went to our class.We were 20 minutes late.Great!

I walk in along with my group.
"Ah...What a pleasent to see you coming to my class late Miss Johnson and friends.Ah...Hello Miss Hollen!"She turn facing us with sarcasm.The whole class look at us and I just smirk.

"Nice to see you too Mrs Rachel!Ohh..can't wait to start this shitty hell hole of a class! Am I right!"I say while giving a high five to my group.The whole class was laughing."Watch your mouth Miss Johnson or else detention!"Miss Rachel warned.

"We came late and basically we already have Detention!"Bri said as a matter of fact.

"True!We already got detention!"Hannah reply.
" Four times except for Miss Johnson here,"Stacy said.
"She have alot more than us and ur adding more?"Ally asked.

"Yeah Mrs Rachel!"I said. "All of you!Detention!"Mrs Rachel said.
"Gladly,"we all say while we bow down at her. "And Miss Johnson,no skipping!You already own the school 10 detention!"Mrs Rachel said.

"Objection!I skip those 10 cause I was innocent and I did not start the fight first!"I say.She rolled her eyes.I walk towards the back and saw that the new  group of boys were sitting at our seat so we sat at the second last row.

I sat in the middle follow by Ally sitting near the right wall,then Bri sitting beside me.Hannah sat at the end of my left side.I look towards my left and there is an empty spot.I saw Stacy taking our detention slip from Mrs Rachel before walking towards the door.

"Stacy Hollen!"I warned her.Everyone including the teacher look at both of us.
"Fine!"she sigh before walking to the empty seat beside me.
"If I can't escape here...nobody gets to!"I whisper yell to her. "Yes boss!"she reply while giving me a smile.


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