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My skin.

I was laid back in the bath. Head underwater. Water hot as I could take. Soaking away the last few hours.

My body ached whenever we part ways as though I was leaving part of me behind.

Id spent the afternoon and evening with Lucius while Rodolphus met with the Dark Lord.  Or as I called him at the time- that crazy ideologue.

"Be a good girl Belle" hed said before he left me, running his thumb across my lips. What has he expected? He knew whom I was going to see- practically suggested it himself.

What did he think we would do? Sit across from each other sipping hot tea?

Far from it and I sat now soaking away the memories of that evening. Fighting off the inevitable pain  of our parting.

I hadn't exactly been bad, but the fact that I was currently sat washing away his scent off me gave me a hint I hadn't been exactly good.

Maybe he thought I could. Maybe because I wrapped myself up willingly in his arms every chance I got. Maybe because my lips sought his and spoke words of love and affection. Maybe because my body was so responsive to his touch.

Maybe just because I was his wife and I shouldn't be in love with someone else he thought  Id stopped.

But I couldn't. Not with Lucius.

And  now my stomach knotted with guilt and regret for the first time ever over being with Lucius. Rodolphus and I had been betrothed for a long time and it hadn't effected me, but now . Now Id fallen for him. Inexplicably. Unexpectedly. And now I felt guilt .

My heart wanted just Lucius. Could be happy with just Lucius. But since I couldn't now, not right now it had let Rodolphus in.

And so, no matter which man I was currently spending my time with there was guilt, betrayal.

Rodolphus walked in just as my breath was running out and I was breaking the surface of the water.

"Hmm my beautiful mermaid" he teased walking over to me kissing me on my drenched head . His hand stroked down the length of my sopping hair, shiny wet, curls stretched straight with the weight of the water.

"I can't ever get over how long your hair is when it's wet and straight Belle"

I smiled up at him, feeling awkward . Awkward around my own husband.

He sat on the edge of the tub and tilted my chin up to him . "I missed you today Belle" he whispered before placing a light kiss on my lips- where Lucius' lips had been less than an hour ago. 

"I missed you Roddy" I lied.

He searched my face and seemed content enough with what he saw. He didn't dare ask about my day. He knew Id seen Lucius. Common sense would tell him that but as long as he didn't have confirmation he could go on.

"Belle you're so flushed . That's way too hot, you're going to get light headed. "

"Too late "

"Come on " he said grabbing a towel, he helped me out, and wrapped me up. He slid an arm under my knees and lifted me.

"I can walk, it wasn't so hot that I'm going to pass out."

"I don't care " he leaned his head down and kissed me. "I like carrying you " he dropped me on the bed with a laugh and plopped down beside me. "Im going to do it Belle. Im joining with him. "

I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at him through narrowed eyes.

"Really? Do you need to? Can't we just ... Keep to ourselves for awhile. We're having such fun. " I ran a finger down his chest. He caught it and lifted my hand to his lips and placed kisses all over the back of it before interlacing his fingers with mine.

"I do Belle. Im going to take the mark tomorrow."

"So soon!?" I sat up and pouted . I was nervous about the whole idea. Who was this "Voldemort" and what made him capable of leading anything . What was this whole movement about. We were pure blood royalty  . A Black and Lestrange. We needn't get our hands dirty in any such pursuits.

I knew our personalities the two of us would never be satisfied sitting around our large home, going to Sacred Twenty Eight galas and balls. But this. It all seemed too much and rumour was that it would lead to a war. I didn't want my husband in danger. There were lesser pure bloods and half bloods who could fight.

"Yes so soon Baby. He needs us. Things are really ramping up and by this time next year should be in full swing."

"What does full swing mean exactly?"

"Don't worry about it Belle " he said kissing my head. "You can find out more tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow what? "

He sat back against the bed and pulled me to sit across him.

"Im taking the mark tomorrow. I want you to come, be with me. He wants to meet you anyway. You know he has , even after my first meeting with him while in Hogwarts last spring, remember? You're quite well known, so skilled, brilliant. " he kissed my lips.

I melted against him, even though the kiss felt profane almost. His lips pressing where Lucius' had just left.

"I am brilliant" I smirked.

"So brilliant my beautiful Belle."

"I don't want to go. Why does he need to meet me? "

"I don't know love." He grabbed my chin forcing me to look in his eyes "But you're coming. " he kissed my lips. "No arguments"

"Fine" I sighed. "But I'm only going for you. Because you're taking the mark or whatever the hell it is. " I said defiantly, pointing a finger at him.

He laughed softly, indulgently. "Okay Belle. You're coming of your own free will for me, nothing else. " his lit up with amusement at my stubbornness.

"Correct " i confirmed as leaned in and kissed him. I didn't mean to, my mind wanted to be still stuck on Lucius. But there was something so intoxicating about this man. My husband.

My stomach knotted as he pushed me over so he could be over top of me, kissing me deeper. I didn't want him to change. I grew anxious at what tomorrow would bring , what service to this Voldemort would do to him.

I tried to forget it as he placed soft kisses across my still red flushed skin, my mind swimming in the sensations drowning everything else out.

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