Blood Red

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Blood Red.

My Blood.

"My elbow ! That was my elbow you heard crack ! Bloody hell Rod! "

"Episkey. " I heard . The wound healed. "Merlin Belle, it wasn't that bad" he growled before tossing me to the ground again.

Red stained the grass . My blood. From my nose and now my arm where he'd miscalculated and slammed me into the sharp edge of the garden wall. From my head too? I couldn't remember.

Once the pain subsided my mind wandered back to a distant memory.

My other elbow cracked onto another garden wall. Sirius was tackling me, we were kids not of Hogwarts age. "Trix" he had yelled . But not my name. It was his "spell" he had created to induce frustration on the person it was cast upon. He had a good laugh when Id pointed out it sounded like my name.

"Well you do frustrate people so it really works well then doesn't it ? That's going to be your nickname : Trix"

"Only you Sirius, you're the only one who can call me that. And I'll call you ... I'll call you Siri. Trix and Siri..."

"Ouch!" I yelled. As my back slammed hard into the ground chasing the memory away.

Rod had thrown me down with great force.

I kicked up at him fighting to get his heavy form off of me before he could attack again. I felt weak, I couldn't move him, couldn't escape out from under him.

I was trapped.

I leaned up and sunk my teeth into his strong shoulder - until I could taste blood .

"Fuck Belle! " he shouted grabbing my shoulders and slamming my upper body against the grass without much effort. I moaned as my head felt like it was splitting with the pressure of the impact .

"What's wrong with you? Are you this awful at physical combat or are you just not paying attention? "

"I hate you" I whispered.

His lips came down and brushed gently against mine, a soft laugh vibrating in his throat .

"I hate your laugh " I groaned .

He wrapped his hands around my head and whispered something. Some basic healing charm I had never bothered to learn. A warmth wrapped around my skull soothing me. He kissed my head, and then my elbow. "That's going to maybe scar " he said rubbing his tongue along the silvery mark left on my skin where he'd healed it moments ago. Where my flesh had not only been cut open but undoubtedly the bone beneath broken or chipped - healed now but still sore.

"Your nose looks okay" he said rubbing his own against mine softly.

"I hate you" I moaned. "That one felt personal."

"This felt personal!" He said pointing to the red imprint of my teeth on his shoulder.

"Why don't you heal it then you ,
big baby? "

"I kind of like it." He smirked. "Besides its no worse than what you do in bed. In fact Belle. I think you fight me better when we are making love than you did here. It's quite a lot rougher than anything you gave me here."

He didn't laugh. He was serious.

"I tried. " I moaned softly. My body aching all over despite the charms he'd whispered over me.

"Not well enough. Not even bloody close. You should have kneed me in the groin the moment I got over top of you and used the surprise of the counter attack to throw me off you and reverse hold!"

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