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Jaquan pov 

I never thought I would be in a situation like this. How could I have let myself be so stupid. I mean me and Emily was a ine time thing. Damnit why would Mia do something let this to me. 

I got work early today and waited for Mia to arrive. I dont understand why she would do this to me. She was like family to me. Her brother Dontate and I have been cool since before we could even walk. I knew her since she was born so why, why would she do this to me? 

My thoughts were soon interupted by a knock on my office door. " Come in" I said before Mia walked in with a big cherrful smile on her face.  

"Good morning Jaquan" she said sitting on the edge of my desk. 

"Gud morning Mia" I said as kind as I could managing to crack an irritated smiled. It was hard not to snap on her. I hated that ignorant tone in her voice. She thought this was a game. 

But to think about it that was the first time in a long time since she had called me by my first name. I was really starting to get annoyed so I placed my head in my hands and tried to keep my cool. My aggatation was starting to show on my face. Mia bent down to look at me. 

"Oh... whats wrong today did something bad happen" she said sarcastically. 

" I dont know Mia you tell me." I uttered getting annoyed 

"Who me I have no idea what's wrong with you." 

"Damnit Mia stop playing with me just tell me what you want from me" 

I yelled in fustration 

"What the hell did I ever do to you? Why are you acting like this? I've known you since you were little, so why?" 

My question seemed to get under her skin because Mia's whole demeanar changed. Her smile instanty went straight, her body seemed to tense up and she immedately stood to her feet. I thought I saw steam comig off here body and when I looked into her eyes all I saw was pured hatrad. I've never seen her like this and I didn't understand why she hated me so much.  

"So you're pretending like you've forgoten?" Her voice was low and I barely heard her. 

"Forgot? Forgot what?" I questioned. Good thing my office was soundproof because I was yelling at the top of my lungs. 

"Of course you would pretend like you don't remember. What else could I expect? You raped me ruined my life and now you're pretemding like you don't remeber?" she was still mumbling but i manged to her.

"Rape you? Mia why would  do that i mean yeah  had a crush on you when we were younger but I could never do that to you. your my bestfriend"s sitster."  

"Liar." she yelled. "On january 16 , 2003 you Jaquan Williams raped me. I remember everything. You walked into my room after my parents had left and Dontate turn his back on you. You told me that you only came nto my room to get your phone and i was stupid ro believe. You took me from behind and took advantage of me." she screamed though her tears

"Mia thats impossible. On January 16  was in the hosptal. You don't remember? I Broken my leg in football practice thar day, Didn't Dontate tell you that he was right there n the hospital when you called hm."

"Why do you insist on telling these lies. I saw you're face you didn't even try to hide t. you taunted me over and over agian telling me i deserved it." she broken down in tears and then regained her composure."So that is why i'm doing this Quan. You raped me and I want you to pay. Pay for everything you done to me and  I want you to experence  all the pain you caused me. I'm going to destroy your life and you're going to stand ny and watch it happen, Just like you made me do. Good bye Jaquan and i hope you enjoy the rest of your day," her voice was cold and emotionless and with that being said she walked out the same way she walked in. 

i stood there with my mouth open for the nect few mintues until Jawan walked in.

Author's notes: Sorry for taking so long to publish this part i had writers block. But i hope you enjoyed it. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz comment and tell me if you like it and if I should keep writing. Please excuse any mistake. Thanks

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