Field Trip

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Mia P.O.V

I was put having lunch with my dearly beloved boss Jaquan when his phone rang it was my brother the fuck did he want

"Should I answer it" Quan questioned

"No ignore it" I shrugged

"So why have you brought me here today if I may ask. I mean what more can I do for you since I'm already paying you so you won't say anything to Emily's dad." he hissed

"No need for the attitude I mean if you really cared about her daddy not finding out you wouldn't have fucked her in your office, now would you.besides I just wanted to have a causal lunch with my boss. Its that a crime?" I said sarcastically.

he rolled his eyes at my comment." Mia give ne a break and cut the bullshit im tired of you playing games tell me what you want. How much more do you wanna see me suffer."

Once he said that I felt my body go cold. There was no color in my cheeks, I cold see frost on my fingertips, I watched my breath freeze the air around it and nothing but a smug grin was planted on my face.

"How much do I want you suffer" I whispered through clenched teeth I dropped head thinking of all the ways I could answer that question. " I dont want you to suffer Quan" I exclaimed " No that's to easy I want you to regret the day you where ever born. I want you to fell as hopelesss as I did the night you raped me. By the time I'm done with you you're gonna be in a padded room wrapped in a white jacket under constant surveillance."

I had managed to look him in his face no. Our eyes met and i could see the slight twitch of fear in his eyes.

"What do you mean are really serious about that Mia. This has to be a crazy joke your brOther came up with to get me back because the Mia I know would never say anything like that. She would never wanna see someone suffer. She cried when her fish died or if she saw a dead bird in the street so you can't be serious. Mia because I know you, you wouldn't say anything like that" he nervously laughed

"That Mia you know is dead . She died the night she was raped. Me Im a new Mia her to avenge her. "

Those where the last words said because or waiter walked up to us serving us our lunch. After my last bite I began to lay out the new part of my blackmail.

"I need a place to stay. " u said abruptly

He looked up at me with a kind of shocked but dumbfounded look

"Aren't you saying with your boyfriend" Quan questioned.

"We had a fight he kicked me out. Actually when I got there he had all my stuff packed and sitting outside our door. He even beat me and told me never to come around there anymore. "

We sat in silence for a little longer then he asked ang " why don't you just go to your brother. You know he never has a problem helping you and tell him that bitch ass nigga hit you.

That comment shocked me I had forgotten how Quan sounded when he was angry it was kinda sexy and a big turn on. His voice made me figget in my seat and I felt my panties get a little wet.

"No I can't keep depenDing on him like that. Do where going condo hunting on Saturday at 9 am dont be late because Iset an appointment for us with a real estate agent." I remarked and with that I got up and left leaving him to foot my bill. Oh how lovely it is to bailmail Quan.

Saturday Quan P O.V

"Good morning you are sure looking quite dashing today. All in your business suit you really do lot like millionaire husband! " Mia exclaimed

"Millionaire husband Mia the fuck are you talking we're no where near the word married. " I spat

I watched her step back slightly and squeeze her legs together I remember that my voice always turned her on in a way

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention that you're acting as my husband." She sang

I sucked my teeth "whatever jUst hurt up and get in the car so we can meet this lady find you a condo and you can be put my fucking hair" my voice laced with sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes and have me a small smirk

"Yes dear" Mia mocked

The drive took us about 30 min so I decided to have a little conversation with my blackmailer. When we got to the place there stood Emily and some of her co-workers. She looked at me with the most shocked face ever and all I could do was smile and pretend that I didn't know her

Author's NOTES

Please forgive how long it took to update been extremely busy and had writers block please excuse any mistakes thank you for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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