Chapter 9

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" It's not about you marrying . It's about whom your marrying with , Sam . Why don't you understand ?" Screamed Maya as she flunked her hand in the air as if brushing the air. " I don't get it. Why marry ? Sam ? Why ?"

"Why are you acting such a stuck up ?" argued Sam .

"I am not acting stuck up . You have been with that girl for just 3 months and just 4 days ago I caught you making out with your secretary. Sam, I know you okay.I know what kind of person you are and your certainly not the kind to marry some random girl. Tell me the truth Sam. "

"There is nothing to tell you . Yes ,I was making out with my secretary but just cause she wanted some fun as well. I was not cheating . I really love her and I want to marry her ." said Sam clearly sounding fake to Maya. She couldn't believe she was doing this . This argument . she never thought she would be one day compelled to argue with her brother over his marriage.

"Why sad,then ?"

"I am not sad . I am just tired and frustrated and just confused ;why am I having this conversation with you ."

"Cause I don't want you to ruin your life ."

"I am not ruining my life ,okay? Sarah is a nice .. no perfect woman "

"I don't get it . I can clearly read through you , Sam . Did you screw her ? "

"What!? "

"I am asking ! Sam, did you screw her ? "

"Enough! I am outta here. "he said surrendering his hands in air.

"Don't walk away , Sam . Does she have your baby ?"Sam just stood there wanting to disappear. He knew that Sarah was a gold digger. He always used contraceptives and took full precaution but then when he made out with Sarah, he was too Drunk to remember .

"Sam? "

"Yes ." he whispered it aloud as he closed his eyes to push the tears down .

"Sam! oh Sam ." cried Maya as she walked towards him. " why did you do this Sam ?Poor thing , dosen't it bother you that maybe cause of your 'fun' you've destroyed some serious life."

"She destroyed mine."


"She was the one that used me. Fucking bitch."

"What are you saying ?"

"She didn't tell me about the pregnancy until it was 5 months . She knew I'd abort the baby."

"Now what ? One stupid mistake and you marry her ;destroy your life and her's too."

"Then what? let her destroy my reputation that I worked so hard to achieve . Let her have our company ripped to pieces ? Let her destroy what I have a little in this world ?Let her destroy the name ' Schendier ' that you are connected too ?Let her destroy you?"

"Sam ? No !people will understand ."

"No they won't . She'd obviously be the poor victim of the rich Bastard Rapist."

There was long pause between. Maya watched her brother, for the first time so depressed as if torn apart.

"I know ." he whispered " I know that it's my fault . I know I have always been so reckless but I never wanted to hurt any woman . I never touched any woman without her permission and I never slept with any innocent girls. I don't really wanna run from my responsibility . I know it's my fault and I know it's my responsibility to make it up to her and our baby. I wouldn't have ran away if she'd have told me earlier .Maybe I would have really thought about this . I want this baby ,Maya but not in this condition . Not now, not this time . Not this time maya."

Maya had nothing left of herself in order to console her brother . She hugged his brother and squeezed as hard as she could. One stupid mistake and Sam's life changed . She reconsidered her idea of wanting to the artist. She knew some truth were best unknown but this truth was not to be kept away from her anymore .

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