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PROS:Will share everything they have with you, laughs at your dumb jokes, has amazing taste in food

CONS:You have to listen to them tell you about the same thing over and over, and say goodbye to personal space and privacy


PROS:Will always tell you the truth (even if it's embarrassing), always backs you up against your enemies, great movie recommendations, lets you mess with their hair

CONS:never lets anyone get a word in when speaking, annoys you with constant truth bombs when you know you need to fix yourself


PROS:a very rare soul that can get you in breathless laughter, doesn't judge you no matter what you do, never loses chill, know all the gossip

CONS:knows all your gossip, never know their true opinion on things


PROS:cries at movies along with you, always carries a bag filled with 10000 stuffs and is prepared for any situation, helps you fix wardrobe malfunctions immediately and discreetly, easy to shop for

CONS:complains about the randomest things, freaks out over little messes


PROS:always tries to make you feel comfortable and good about yourself, really good at weaseling out of trouble, listens to all your problems and gives great advice

CONS:forgets literally everything, never knows when to shut up


PROS:takes great notes and can explain concepts you don't understand, knows when someone isn't good enough for you, lets you join in on their weird interests if you show enough appreciation for them

CONS:you have to listen to them talk about their weird obsessions 24/7, silent treatment if you piss them off


PROS:has super hot friends they want to set you up with (aka also the best wingman), they make it difficult to be embarrassed when hanging out with them, you get to see them unintentionally emulate your habits and it's super cute

CONS:believes every conspiracy and urban legend and stupid rumor they hear, follows every trend, you get stuck with comforting them after every shitty relationship they have (which is a lot)


PROS:will literally kill anyone who hurts you, you learn from their mistakes, incredibly hot and it rubs off on you

CONS:unreal mood swings, can not let shit go


PROS:introduces you to amazing things, literally the whole package (beautiful, funny, smart)

CONS:always off somewhere and you never see them, steals all your food


PROS:gets things done, doesn't excuse any shit from you, breaks rules for you, lets you borrow their jackets

CONS:subjects you to the terrible unfunny movies they love, listens to everything at either the lowest of highest possible volume


PROS:weirder than you, has amazing pets, can get super goofy or super real with them

CONS:literally could care less about ANY rules, absolutely caustic sarcasm 24/7 (though I personally find this to be a pro.)


PROS:refreshingly sweet, way too generous with their things, gives you massages, cooks like a boss,

CONS:never returns things they borrow, falls asleep before they can text you back

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