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The signs and going to the doctor
Aries only goes to the doctor if it is CLEAR that something is wrong like a broken bone or rash that refuses to go away after weeks.

Taurus can sometimes worry and jump to conclusions with their health. They prefer to play it safe and can go to the doctor a lot.

Gemini is the type to try to self-diagnose and might try many different types of doctors or techniques for a cure for something.

Cancer’s imagination can run wild when it comes to their health, this individual can be a worry-wort and a bit of a hypochondriac. They are likely to go to the doctor a lot, especially a family doctor/primary doctor.

Leo tries hard to keep up on their health but at the same time can see sickness as being a weakness. They are likely to live a healthy lifestyle but avoid the doctor or is the opposite and goes to the doctor a lot and ignores their advice, they are somewhat contradictory with health.

Virgo is prone to being a hypochondriac, to self-diagnose, to over-think and worry, but can also be very educated on health matters. They go to the doctor a lot but also knows a lot of things to help themselves and others when hurt or sick.

Libra can worry about being sick but most of all they tie how they are acting and looking rather than feeling to sickness.

Scorpio is the type to ignore a pain or sickness and will avoid the doctor. They “have everything under control”.

Sagittarius gets frustrated when sick and might need some convincing to see a doctor. They are prone to getting strange injuries or diseases too.

Capricorn has a very practical approach to the doctor. Do they feel sick? No, they won’t go; if yes, they will go.

Aquarius is the type to try experimental or uncommon medicine. They can be skeptical of many doctors.

Pisces is usually too busy pressuring other people to go to the doctor than going themselves. They are prone to odd injuries and illness too.

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