chapter 16

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I went up to my bedroom and sat on my bed thinking about what my mom told me. I became really curious as to what blake wanted to talk about so i picked up my phone and texted him.

I was finally ready to face him. I needed to know what he wanted to tell me and if he still felt the same way about me. Then maybe i could settle down with him once he accepts all things i've done in my past.

Hey blake, im free at 8 pick me so we can talk.

I waited for his reply hoping he would text back and agree. I sat on my bed checking my phone until it vibrated. I was nervous as to what he might reply and say but i had hope that he wasnt busy and would agree to meet up.

Sounds perfect to me.

He answered after a while and i was glad he said yes. I checked the time and got up to change my clothes. This time i was actually trying to pick out something nice to wear. What was happening to me i asked my self digging through my closet.

No thats not like me i said out loud and stopped wasting time deciding on an outfit to wear. Its not like we were going on a date. I picked out a blue pencil foot jeans and a black sweater. I slipped on my black flats and fixed my hair in a neat bun. I wore some small hooped earrings and the mathching necklace.

I stood infront of my mirror and felt good with how i looked. I took my time to get ready this time. I picked up my phone and headed downstairs to wait on blake. I sat on the couch checking the time every five minutes then my phone vibrated.

Im outside.

I read his text and left my house heading towards his car on the other side of the streets. He stood outside of his car leaning on the door. "Goodnight cleoh" he said as i approached him with his hands wide open for a hug. I smiled at him shyly and hugged him back, "Goodnight blake" i then said.

We jumpped in his car and drove off towards a park not to far from my house. I remembered the park right away. I havent been there since i was a little girl. This park brought back so many memories including where blake and i first kissed.

"Why did we come here?" I asked curiously. "Its one of the places that im comfortable talking you," he said softly. He jumpped out his car and headed towards a little bench that looked like it hasnt moved an inch. I followed him and we both sat down.

"So what is it that you want to talk to me about?" I said starting the conversation and looking away. "Hey why rush into things, we have all night. By the way you look different cleoh, its been a really long time" he said turning around to face me.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing" i asked crossing my legs on the bench. "That is a very good thing" he answered smirking. I smiled then faced him. "You've changed alot too" i said reaching up to touch his hair.

"You have long hair now, you dont wear glasses anymore and i see you're even taller now" i added as i checked him out. I had to admit he was ten times sexier now than before when he left.

"Thanks" he said blushing. "Do you remember this place?" He asked looking right at me. I looked up at him and his eyes were a dark shade of green, one i've never seen before. "Yes, i do" i said softly not wanting him to notice that i was falling for him.

What the fuck was happening to me? Why did i want to touch him so bad? Why did i felt this way around him? i asked my self but pushed the thoughts out of my head. I couldnt let my self fall for him. Relationships dont last i told my self again.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked noticing i was drifting away in my thoughts. "Nothing" i said trying to change the topic. "Want to tell me what is it that you wanted to talk about now?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

He held my hand and pulled me under the slide. "Remember this" he said as we sat on the grass facing each other. That was something we did alot when we were younger.

He held my hand and looked into my eyes, "cleoh i missed you soo much when i was away. I thought about you every single day and at night i couldnt sleep thinking if you were okay. I tasted your lips on mine all the time and that would make me crave for you even more. I never forgot how beautiful you looked when we first had sex. I never forgot anything about you, when i got to New York i realized how much a part of me you became. Cleoh i fell inlove with you ever since we were kids and i knew you didnt feel the same but i still had faith that you would one day and thats why i never stopped thinking about you. I know its been two years and a half since we've seen each other but that doesnt change anything, he said softly then looking away.

I didnt know what to say. I was shocked no one has ever said those things about me. I got up and walked away needing some time to think. I needed to find a way to tell blake about the things i've done and i needed to tell him that i was falling for him as well. I didnt want him to think i was rejecting him again.

"Cleoh" he shouted as he caught up to me. "Please cleoh, dont push me away again" he pleaded with watery eyes. Oh god i couldnt let him think i was pushing him away, but i didnt know what to say.
I turned to face him and did what i thought was best, i kissed him.

Omg i love this chapter. Please guys comment and tell me what you think.

Thanks again for reading... stay tuned! It gets better.

Xoxo latina

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