Chapter Six: Number

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Riley's p.o.v
I gazed at him but that hair and those eyes. " looking for Mrs. Mallet? " I said he told me to come in. I made my way into the kitchen I've been here before." Hello dear?" She said to me. "My mom said drop these off" I said well looking at my feet. "Thank you dear! Do you want to stay for dinner?" She asked me. "Really? I mean are you sure?,I can go home." I said. This little boy walks in just in a pull up. "You can stay just avoid the twins" she laughed.
I walk in the living room. "Daddy I want to pony?" This little girl ask. " honey you have the biggest dog ever why would you want to a pony ?" Justin ask her. "Oh! I never got your name?" He asked me." Its Riley Cheyenne brown." I said and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Riley well my name is" " Justin your name Justin Bieber" I said finish his sentence. "Are you a fan?" He ask. "You can say so I love your music." I said. "Daddy who is the pretty girl?" Ci ask. "Her name is Riley" he said while picking her up.
" well my name is Ciara but people call me CI Ci ." She said with smirk. " I guess your already met Chris the one just in a pull up" He said to me." He does everything except what I ask!" He also said to me. I laugh and set down on the corner couch. Chris comes and lays on me. " Chris no!" Justin said. " I said its fine" and snuggled against him.
Justin P.O.V
" Foods Ready" mom called out. " Daddy let's watch the movie!" Ci said excitedly. " okay give me a minute" I said and pulled out Chris mini table with cars on it. I pulled it beside the coffee table then placed the chairs out from it. I grab there cups and filled it with apple juice then I go in the and set there cups down on the table and I went in the kitchen and pulled there patties apart so they won't choke. Then I put kept up beside her Pattie and put Chris tomatoes on the side then I put fries on both of there plate. I go and put there plate on the table. I grab planet 51 and put it in the PlayStation. " Daddy Chris ate but didn't pray." Ci said. " Chris" I said.
" Dear lord,
Tank yew foe the food you give me and my family!. Dere daddy I prayed." Chris said.
" amen" I said and began making my plate. I went to living room and set next to Riley. " Daddy why is rover collecting rocks?" Chris asked.
" I don't know bubby" I said.
" Is it hard?" Riley asked.
" What do you mean?" I asked her back.
" The twins!" She asked.
" Sometimes but I always get through it!" I said and drank my drink.
" Justin can like I help you?" She asked shyly.
" here's the thing, My kids are my life and I am only comfortable with so much." I said to her.
" Here how about you show me how to take care of them then the day u have to work I can take care of them." She said. " that's what my moms for" I said.
" what if your mom decides to get Jaxon and Jazzy? How do you do it? Justin just give me a chance?" She asked.
" okay I will think about?" I said.
" I can be there Nanny" she said.
" that doesn't sound bad!" I said." Even on tour you could be?" I said.
" yes I don't have to go back to Maryland until Next Year!" She said.
" Okay Riley what's your number?" I asked. " 276 559 3467" she said.
" Daddy I done" Chris said.

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