Chapter four : Weeks later

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I told scooter about it he was mad but its not my fault! Anyways I am at the studio with Ci Ci and Chris. Chris is asleep on the couch and Ci Ci is playing with her dolls. After I get done recording I will take them to see mom. She knows we where coming and about them. Ci Ci loves Ryan she calls him uncle Ry Ry but Chris loves Chaz and calls him Chazzy. They both are either a Daddy's Boy or Daddy's girl.
Anyways I am finishes recording.
"Daddy I wanna go to grandmas house" she said while I picked her up.
" okay baby girl let's get bubby" I said and wiped my face with my towel. "Daddy can I help you?" She said. I nodded and let her wipe off my head. I put down Ci Ci and picked up Chris. I grabbed there bag and Ci Ci hand. She wrapped her hand around my finger. " see ya scoot" I said. I unlocked the door and put Chris in his spiderman booster then buckled him. I shut the door and open the door on the other side and put Ci Ci in her booster seat that had barbie on it and buckled her. I shut her door and put her bag in the passager seat. I started the car and headed over to Mac Donalds.
I order two chicken nuggets meals and large fry and a large tea. I poured tea in the cups but Chris is still sleep.
Once we get to moms house.
Chris wakes up half way there.
" Grandma!!!!" Screamed Ci Ci.
" Ci Ci!" My mom yelled while kissing her cheek.
" Daddy brought us a movie for us to watch and I wanna watch it with you" Ci Ci said.
" Okay we will while eating dinner." Ci Ci said.
" hey mom" I said and kissed her cheek.
" hey granny" Chris said.
" hey Chris I brought you something upstairs go look at it.' She told him. He ran upstairs. " Justin how you holding up?" She asked me.
" mom its like really hard but really easy and I have tour for a month and who gonna watch them I cant take them I asked scooter and he said no." I said.

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