Chapter Thirty Four: No You Can't.

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" Chris actually clean the house." I said in shock. " Thats a first." Riley said. " Riley I am so sorry for earlier today.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings and I love you. You mean everything to me." I said. " I am not mad. I am just glad to be here with you." She said. " I have a surprise for you tomorrow so go get some sleep and be ready for the morning." I said. " Tell me what it is?" She whined. " Just go to bed. You will see tomorrow." I said a chuckle. I slapped her butt as she went up stairs. I grab my phone to call Jason
" Hey man"
" Whats up?" He asked.
" I need you to do me a favor?"
" what cha need?"
" First I want to propose to your sister tomorrow and I need to make sure that alright with you?" I asked.
" No bro you can't." He said.
" Jason you know how much I love—." He cut me off.
" I am just kidding. You can. I give you my blessing." He laughed.
" Bro you scared me. Thank you." I said.
" What else you need." He asked.
" So Chris is still grounded and I need the house to myself. So can he stay with you tomorrow." I asked.
" I actually have something planned but I am sure I can work around it." He said.
" Thank you. I owe you. But like he can only go to school and No Tia. I needs to catch up." I said.
" I completely understand since he is endanger of failing." He said.
" What? I didn't know that." I said.
" Oh man. Ry didn't tell you yet." He said.
" No she didn't." I said.
" Well good luck and I will gladly keep Chris for you." He said.
" Thanks bye." I said and ended the call.
I went up stairs to see on Chris his laptop. "Chris what's going on with you?" I asked. "Nothing Dad. I cleaned the house." He said. "Your failing all your classes. Did you go to school today? " I said. " I am not failing. And Yes I did. I just left after lunch." He said. "What about the classes after lunch?" I asked.
" Yeah about those. I don't really need them." He said. " All classes are important." I stated. "I understand." He said. " Since you don't like to stay at school. Someone will drive you to school. And pick you up. Tomorrow you will stay with Uncle Jason and no Tia." I said. " Dad give me another chance." He said. " No I gave you to many chances. So text Tia and let her know that you won't be there to pick her up. She will have to ride the bus or someone will take her." I said. " Tomorrow I am proposing to Riley so please be on your best behavior." I said. " Yeah yeah goodnight dad." He said with anger. I left and went to bed.

     " Chris are you ready!" I said while banging on his door. " yes I am coming." He said and walked out of his room. " I don't want any problems today." I said. " Yes Dad." He said while getting aggravated. " Uncle Jason will pick you up later today. I made you a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich with some chips and some fruit. Grab a water out of the fridge." I said and smiled. He grabbed a water and slammed the fridge. " That's the spirit!" I cheered. We headed to the car. I have a lot to get done today. After I drop off Chris I am gonna head to Victoria Secret, Bath and body works, Pandora  and the flower shop. It's gonna be like a scavenger hunt.  " We are here! Have a nice day. See you tomorrow." I said.
" See ya" he mumbles.
I can't believe he did that. " Hey babe" Tia said. She looked so sick. She was pale and she looked bloated. Her lips were dry. " Babe are you okay?" I asked. I put my hand on her forehead. " Yes babe just tired." She said. " Um babe maybe you shouldn't of smoked the other day." I said. " Babe it's not that. I need to borrow some more of your sweats. My leggings won't fit anymore." She stated. " I will bring you some tonight. I just have to get away from Uncle Jase." I said. " Your not gonna be home tonight?"  She asked. " Unfortunately I am not but I can sneak away from Jason he is easy." He said. " Babe don't get into trouble." She said. " I won't babe I promise." I said and kissed her dry lips then I kissed her forehead.  " Mr. Bieber In my office now.!" I heard. " What did I do now?" I said. " Just go baby I will see you later." Tia said. I headed that way. " Good to see you this morning!" He said. I put my bag down. " I called you this morning to tell you about your grades." He said. " okay." I said. " So English and Government is at a D but we need a B. So you can Graduate. Math and Ecology is a F. And you need those class to get your credits. You have two months to get them up. I wanna see you graduate." He said. "Is there anything I can do to get them up sir?" I asked. " That's between you and your teachers. Just show up. You missed 70 days and you only go to school for 180." He stated. " Yes sir." I said. " Now go to class." He said. I get up and go to English.
Jason P.O.V
" Mmhmm damn Demi. You gotten better." I moaned. " Only for you." She said and wiped her mouth. I got up and slapped her ass. " Now go tell the boys I need to head to the basement." I said. She nodded. I grabbed my shorts and put them on. I grabbed my phone just in case of Chris. Then I ran down the stairs.  Everyone was chilling on the couch in the basement. " Morning boss." They greeted me. " Morning guys. So let me know the recruitments." I said. They handed me 10 folders of the top criminals. I started look through the folders. " Tell me about Megan Brisco ?" I asked. " She kills with Charm and never looks back. Her respect is 10 out of 10." Alex said. " I do want her. What about John Johnson?" " He goes by Jj and he can break peoples neck with his arms in a split second" Bryan said. " I can do that. Whats so special about him?" I asked Bryan with confusion. " oh and he also robbed all the banks in the United States with no guns." Bryan said. " I definitely want. Okay and Cyrus?" I asked. " He is good with money. Makes fake money and never gets caught." Demi said. " okay I want." I said. " Boss are we gonna have enough room." Bryan asked. " Yes because I already have people building us another hide out." I said. "I want two more people tho. I want someone who is new at the game and someone who is can replace one of you guys." I said and smiled. " Boss what do you mean?" Alex said. " You know exactly what I mean. Now go get the new people and imma go find two myself. " I said and ran upstairs and grabbed a sweat shirt and sun glasses. I got in the car. I went to Redrum it's a place for amateurs and people who think they are bad ass.  I walked and instinctively saw this girl who has tattoos running up her neck and was she was dropping guys is the stuff we need. " Hey Whats your name?" I asked.
" I am Myra and who are you?" She ask. This girl was thick and she was bad. " I am Jason." I said. " I know you. Your on the top must wanted list." She said. " Yes that me baby." I said with a smirk. " Why are you here baby?" She asked me. " Look for someone to been on my team." I said. She put her hand on my chest. " Well you came to the right one." She whispered on my lips. " have I?" I said and pulled her closer to me. " yes sir" she said and looked me in the eyes. " If you stab me I will kill you." I said and she dropped the knife. "Welcome to the team." I said. " that was easy!" She said and walked out. I chuckled and started to look around. I saw this small young boy and I headed that way. " I already know who you are and what you want. And I already made it on team." He said and shut his laptop. " Nice to meet you Jason. I Caleb. And the reason your gonna want me is because I am a hacker and I am pretty much god." He said. " First your not God. But yeah Welcome to the Team Caleb." I said and shook his hand.
He walked out of the building and I followed. " I will see you guys at the crib." I said and got in my car. I text Alex and told him to get the training ready because I got everything I need. It was 2:50 so I have to go get Chris. I headed that way.
Chris p.o.v
" Babe I will see you later." I said and kiss Tia. " I love you babe." She said. " I love you. Get some rest." I said and hugged her. She hugged me but it was different it was like she was scared to loose me. She hugged me for a very long time. I just held her in my hairs until Uncle Jase got there. " Babe I have to go. I love you." I said. She released from the hug and kissed me. " Text me." I said and walk to the car. " How was school?" Uncle Jase asked. " Great. I have a lot of make up work to do" I answered. " Okay. Well I have to work on something tonight. So try to keep yourself busy. Absolutely no Tia!" He said. " But Uncle she is sick and she needs me right now." I said. " Sorry I hope she gets to feeling better but your dad said no." He said. " Of course he did. What if I get all of my homework done and make up work. Can I go see her?" I asked. " we will see" he said and answered a call. I sent a message to tia.
I love you and I am home.
Okay baby I should be over there later tonight.
Okay babe.
" JUST DO IT!" Uncle Jason yelled then hung up the phone. " Uncle Jason is my room still there?" I asked. " Yes Chris I never messed with it." He said. " Okay well I will probably be up there all night." I said. " Okay but Chris no slick games." He said. I nodded. Once we made it I got my stuff out and headed to my room.
Justin P.O.V
" Thank you for today baby. Your the best and I love you." Riley said. " No need to thank me baby. You deserve this. I know times has been rough. I got one more surprise for you." I said and grabbed a bandanna and covered her eyes. " Tell me where I am going." She said. " No baby. Stay close to me." I said. I guided her up the stairs. Then I open the window and helped her out. We were on the roof. And I had paid someone to set it up all romantic like. " Can I look now?" She asked. " Yes baby." I said and removed her bandanna from her eyes. "Justin...- you... didn't.. have to do this" she said in between sobs. " I wanted to baby don't cry." I said and rubbed her tears away. I pulled her chair out and she set down. I set down with her and we began eating.
" Riley Cheyenne Brown I love you so much and I appreciate everything you do for me and my kids. I know times have been rough and the fact you still was kicking it with me and still are makes me heart fall harder every day. I can never stop loving you. And I promise I will make sure your happy and healthy. I promise to stick by you during the bad days. Riley Cheyenne Brown will you do the honors and marry me?" I asked. She just started crying and jumped on me. " Is that a yes?" I asked " Yes Yes Justin it's a Yes!" She said and smashed her lips into mine. I slid the ring on her ring finger and kissed her one more time.
" I love you." I said. " I love you so much." She said. After that she went inside the house. " Babe where are you going?" I yelled. " It's s surprise come and see?" She yelled. I went in the room and she had on a purple bra and a purple lace thong on. " Oh I see what's happening here" I said and get undress and got in the bed.

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