Thirty Five: GET ME KILLED!

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" UNCLE JASE I HAVE TO GO NOW!" I screamed at him. " WATCH YOUR TONGUE!" He yelled back at. " okay Uncle Jase I finished all of my work. Tia is in the hospital. She needs me right now... so please let me go." I begged. "Fine Chris. Demi take him to the hospital!" He said. " Thank you uncle!" I said and hugged him. " yeah yeah I want you back here at 1a.m" he said. " Demi be safe with my nephew." He said. " Yes Boss" she said. We left and headed to the hospital. " She is in room 207!" I said to Demi. " I don't care" she said and rolled her eyes. " See you up there!" I said and took off on the steps. " Chris no!" She yelled but I was already gone. I ran down the hallway searching for room 207 and I finally found it. I knocked and I heard her crying. " Babe what's wrong?" I asked. " I-i-i" " You what baby?" I asked. " I had a miscarriage..." she said and cried in my arms. " CHRIS! YOU LEAVING ME LIKE THAT CAN GET ME KILLED!" Demi spat. " Shut up!" I yelled back at her. " Babe it's not your fault. You didn't know." I said. " But I did Chris. I knew I was pregnant." She said in between sobs. " Why didn't you tell me." I asked. " I I I" " What baby?" " I tried." She said. " Babe I am here for you.!" I said and kissed her forehead. I am hurt. I am so upset. I wanna cry but I have to be strong for Tia. " God has a plan for everyone." I whispered. " I guess." She mumbled in my shirt. " We can try later down the line" I said. " I don't think I will be able to ever have babies." She said and started crying. " Aren't you guys to young to be thinking about that!" Demi spat. " I swear if you don't shut up I will tell uncle Jason everything." I said. She looked scared. " What time do you have to leave?" Tia asked me. " At one but I am gonna try to convince my dad to let me stay." I said. " I don't want you to get into anymore trouble." She mumbled. " This is an emergency. Don't worry about me." I said. "Okay." She said. " imma go out the door to talk to Jason. I will be right back." She said. "Okay." I said. Tia got up to use the bathroom. I got up and took my shirt off and laid on the hospital bed. " Alex is coming to drop off one of Jason cars for you then I am riding back with him." Demi said. " Okay." I said. Tia came out and laid beside me. " Demi is leaving and I am staying." I said. " Okay baby." She said and buried her face in my neck. " Get some sleep I am here now." I said.
Next morning.
I got up before Tia so I could drop off my school work and talk to my principal about the situation. He told me that he would let it slide since I had my work done. I headed back to the hospital to see Tia still sleep. My phone started buzzing.
"Listen Dad-."
" I already know what's going on. Riley and I are on our way."
" Thanks Dad."
" Do you need anything?"
" No. Thanks."
" Be there in a few." He said and hung up the phone.
Time flew by and Mom and Dad finally came.
"Heard anything yet?" Dad asked me. " No not yet." I answered. " Chris I know this must be hard on you." Mom said. " I honestly don't wanna talk about it." I said. " That's understandable" she said. If I talk about I am gonna break down and I can't. At least not yet. " Babe?" Tia said with an raspy voice. " yes babe I am here." I said and pushed her hair behind her ear.  " Please tell me it's a dream." She said and started crying. " I can't baby." I said and pulled her into a hug. My eyes started watering. " It's gonna be okay." I said. " But it's not." She said and cried harder. " I am in so much pain." She cried. " Babe where are you hurting?" I asked and got up. She pointed to her stomach. " When is there gonna be a doctor in here" I said. " Chris calm down. Don't get frustrated." Dad said. " I am gonna see what's going on?" Mom said.  Mom and Dad went to go look for a doctor. I lifted up Tia gown. She had stitches all the way across her belly. I just took the time and kissed everyone of them. " I love you." I said and look up at Tia. I pulled down her gown and waited on mom and dad to come back.
After time passing by the doctor finally came in here. " Okay so Tia is your name right?" He asked. " Yes that's me." She said. " Okay so you had a 1st trimester miscarriage unfortunately. The baby wasn't able to get the nutrients it needed to began its growth. Sometimes babies can reject nutrients. Your able to have kids later down the line just I would wait 3 years because your body can agree with you." He said. " okay. What about the pain?" I asked. " We are gonna give you 800 mg only take 1 every four hours and we are also gonna give you some ointment for the stitches apply 3 times a day. No heavy lifting. And if you have sex I recommend for it to be safe and gentle because you are still healing. And Tia you have an appointment in two weeks." He said. " Thank you." She said. " Someone will be in here shortly to give you your papers and talk about the arrangements for the baby." He said and left.
" He is really hurt." Riley said to me. " Yeah I know and I know he isn't ready to do this." I said. Tia and Chris is walking ahead of us so they don't know what we are saying. " I know he loves her." Riley said. " Ciara come home next week. Hopefully that will help Chris. I don't want him to fall into depression." I said and wrapped my arm around her neck. " I dont want him to either." She said and kissed my cheek. We got in the elevator with them. " Mom I see Dad finally propose to you." Chris said and hugged her. " Soon to be Mrs. Bieber." I said. We got out of the elevator. Riley and I got in my car. Chris and Tia got in Jason car. " I will see you later at the house." Chris yelled out the window. " Alright be safe!" I yelled back. We pulled out.
Hey guys I am gonna end the book in a sorta cliff hanger. I do plan on making a sequel and hopefully it will be better. Sorry for the late updates. Chapters will be longer and make more sense. I am gonna be honest guys, I did actually slack at the beginning so if you guys get notifaction that I had updated its only because I am going to go through and edit the grammer in it. Please besure to check out my other books. Thank you guys for reading.

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