The Gift (Vampire Diaries Fiction)

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I walked up the driveway of the Salvatore Boarding House and walked up to there door. I looked down at myself befor i knocked on the door I'm wearing my usal outfit that consited of my leather black jacket white v-neck shirt my black skinny jeans and heels. God I hope I dont look to horrible. I finaly knocked on the door and no other then Stefan Salavatore answered the door. He look's at me like he's trying to debate on something. He finaly decides's to speak after awhile.

"Kathrine?" He says.

"Now I really thought you would have remebered me Stefan." I say. He look's at me some more with a confused face and then after about five minutes later he finaly comes to conclusion to who I am.

" Nichole is that really you?" He asked.

" Finaly Stefan you remembered who I am, took you long enough. Now are you going to let me in or am I suppose to stand here?" I asked.

"Oh! Yes you may come in." He says. I finaly got to step into the house that i remember back in 1846. It still is the same like it was. We go and sit down in the living room. I sit on the couch while Stefan sits in a chair beside the couch. " Now explain to me how exactly you are alive? I mean not to seem rude or anything but arent you suppose to be dead?" He asked. "Well let me start back where it all started, the year of 1804." I say.

'In 1804'

"Dad whats going on" I asked. While coming down the stairs.

"Honey I need you to go back up to your room and stay up there". He says.

"But dad I want to see Kathrine!" I say.

"I told you to go up to your room!" He says.

"Yes father." I say.

I run up the stairs to my room and shut the door. I can't believe he wont let me see my own sister! I havent seen her for almost a Year and today was the day she was suppose to come back from England. You see me and my sister are twins we look exactly alike apart from our eyes, hers being brown mine were a strange sade of red. Anyways back to the present. I heard loud crashing noises and hissing. I wanted to go downstairs and find out what was going on but my father told me to stay up here and i couldnt disobey my father. All of a sudden someone started knocking on my door.

"Nichole honey its your father open your door" He says.

I walk up the door and open it, there standing was my father who looked horrible.

"Father are you alright?" I asked. He walks into my room an takes a seat on my bed.

"I'm fine. Now I need you to listion to me. I'm going to give you a very important gift that was past down from our family for generations. This gift will help you with any troubles you will have in your life. You need to know there are some different kind of people down stairs. Not like you and I there much different, they have so much more power then we do." He says.

"Dad what do we call these type of people?" I asked?

"Vampires." He says.

When I heard that name come out of his mouth I got so confused. How does vampires even exsit?

"Dad Vampire don't exsit." I say to him.

"Honey they do and there down stairs looking for you and your sister." He says.

"Then how can they not hear us?" I asked.

"I put a special spell on the house so no Vampire can hear us." He says.

"Did you just say spell?" I asked.

"Yes, you see I'm a Warlock a male witch. You are a witch like your mother is." He says.

I was about to ask him more question but befor I could i heard "those things" comeing up the stairs.

"Honey I need you to stand up okay? I'm going to put all of our Ancesters powers into you, you will be the most powerful witch ever. But when i give you these powers you will stay this age for the rest of your life. You can't die by anything BUT you can die by being staped by a white oke stake. You need to treat the powers like they are a gift, okay?" He says.

I let everything sink in. So I'm a witch and once my father gives all of our ancesters powers to me I will be the most powerful witch ever?

I finaly stood up in front of my father to show him that im ready.

He got up also and put one hand on his chest where his heart is and put his other on the same spot on my chest. He started chanting some words that i couldnt understand, but then all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my heart that hurt alot to where it made me drop to my Knees. I kept feeling this pain for awhile until finaly my father stoped and looked down at me.

"It's done. You have all of our ancesters powers in you. I need you to run. Run for how ever long you can. I need you to stay far as possible from a certian Vampire named Klaus. He will be looking for you and your sister. I need you to find your sister and both of you need to run. Take care of her okay." He said.

I looked at him for a second and relized this is going to be hell. I'm going to have to run for the rest of my live? Just because a Old Vampire who wants me and my sister?

I came out of my thoughts after hearing shouting from people down the hall.

"Nichole go. Run as fast as you can and track down your sister. Try to live a normal life. I love you sweetheart." He says.

"I love you to Father." I say.

My father and I walk to my bedroom window and I open it. My father helps me down to the ground and after one more look at my father I turn around and run as fast as I can. The only thing on my mind right now was to track down my sister.

Back at the Salvatore

Boarding House.

"So let me get this straight. You are the most powerful witch in the world, and you never bothered to tell me or Damon in the past?" Stefan asked.

"I was going to but i wanted you guys to stay about from the type of world that was suppose to be hidden from you guys. But i guess that dident considering my sister turned you." I say.

A couple of minutes past until we heard to people comeing in.

"Nichole?" I regconised that voice that familer voice. That voice belonged to the one and only Damon Salvatore.

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