I am going to be ending this a lot quicker than expected for a couple of reasons.
1) I am running out of ideas. I do not know where else to go with this.
2) School is starting to take most of my time away from me. I have way to much work to deal with 3 books that are barely even past chapter 15.
3) I need something that will get me more fans and more people who actually interact with the story. That's why there is a comment section. I would say that if someone wants to finish the book that they could and I will post it for them and put their name as well as mine on the cover but there are just not enough people reading it and interacting with the book so I have to do what I have to do.
On the brighter side of things, This will not be my last book. I am expanding into something a lot more known. In preparation for the launch of the already bad Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens, I am going to make a shortish-long book that takes place in the REAL Canon known as Expanded Universe or the EU. So basically anything dealing with Disney's "Legends" is non-canon to me and a lot of people. But of course since most of the EU is already book form, I am going to add my own character in addition to the characters already here.
A brief overview of the new book:
Year 3653 BBY
The Sith Empire has just forced the Republic to sign The Treaty of Coruscant by sending the Imperial Fleet to Coruscant while the Republic Fleet was over Alderaan, the place where the treaty was to be signed, and assaulting the planet and its Jedi Temple. The Jedi Order, now with out a home, returns to their ancient homeworld of Tython and builds a Jedi Temple there to start training new Force users in the ways of the Jedi. One of these trainers is Jedi Knight Ben Wilkie, former padawan to Grand Master Satele Shan. Like Satele, he is strong in the Force. On many accounts, his knowledge of the Force has saved his life. Ben also has a padawan. She serves with him on his Flagship, The Sovereign.
While exploring in the Unknown Regions, The Sovereign engages an Imperial Fleet. Knowing that his ship is no match for an entire fleet, he sends a warning to the Republic and The Jedi. This warning is what decides the fate of the Republic and The Jedi Order.
So that is a brief overview. I will get started on it soon!