Retrieval Party

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Wolverine was still enraged even through Remy had left her and stole a Collar, a device that nullified a Mutant's abilities. It was only used for a short amount of time, having that thing on you was not healthy.

     It was normally used on Mutants who had powerful gifts they had not yet managed to gain total control. From what Remy said was that a woman had came to him to steal hit, for a 'large price', as Remy had pointed out. No doubt it was a small fortune.

Unfortunately for his client Remy was planning on backstabbing this woman. Rather Anti-Mutant, Senator Kelly was probably behind this so Remy would definitely need back up.

With the X Jet, an enraged Wolverine and a team of Mutants eager to cause trouble did they fly off to rescue her 'Gumball' as Wolverine sometimes called him.

     "Just try not to get it too damage," Forge had called as she marched toward the jet. Not promising anything she just held up her hand to say she heard her fellow Native American. Forge was a genius with technology but always having to fix something, an usually his pride and joy the X Jet. She could understand.

    However Logan did not as he left three long claw marks and made a comment how the first time always hurts. "That's cold, man," Forge remarked with a wince.

Rolling her eyes she settled in the Pilot's seat and waited for the others to arrive. Kitty and Kurt arrived first, others came and the last was Boom Boom, a wild girl who was as vibrant as those firecrackers of her's.

The coordinates were rather a enormous building. She had hovered long enough for Wolverine, Shadow Cat, Night Crawler and Rogue to get in before she landed the jet somewhere safe and have it hidden.

  Once that was done she led the others inside. Straining her new powers she searched for Remy's presence. He was far but she managed to find him. With her powers growing and evolving she had to learn how to adjust and use her powers.

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