Chapter 2

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Lucy's P.O.V:

"Please come to my house. I'll give you some food." Matthew said smiling. "I don't know." I said a bit worried someone else might find me. "Don't worry no one else lives around me." He said as my stomach growled again. It would be nice to have some food. "Ok." I said giving in to hunger. We walked down a forest path that led to a one story brick house. "This is my house." He said opening the white door. I walked in behind him. The living room has dark blue couches, a brown coffee table, big lamps, and a flat screen TV. Matthew walked into his kitchen, and I followed behind him. His kitchen had an island that had two chairs at it. "Do you like steak?" He asked looking at me. "Yes." I said examining the room. The counter tops were granite, and the cabinets were white. While the walls were a biege color. "Take a seat." He said as he pulled out some steak. I sat on one of the island chairs.

He cooked two steaks, and put a plate with one in front of me. He sat next to me with his own plate. "Thank you." I said looking at the big juicy steak. "You're welcome." Matthew said as he started to eat his steak. I started to eat my steak as well. When we were done I helped him with the dishes. "You didn't have to help me with the dishes." He said putting the last plate away. "It's not a problem. Besides you were kind enough to give me food." I said smiling. We walked into the living room and he gestured for me to sit. I say at one end of the couch, and he sat at the other. "I'm not just gonna let you starve. I'll go get you a blanket." He said looking at me as I yawned. He got back up and left. When he came back he had a blanket. He handed me the blanket, and I took it. It was getting late outside. "I'm gonna go to bed. You can sleep on the couch. Good night Lucy." He said as he left. I fell asleep quickly.

When I woke up I smelled eggs and bacon. I got up and walked into the kitchen. "Good morning Lucy." He said noticing me as I walked in. "Good morning." I said sitting in the same chair I ate in yesterday. He set a plate with bacon and eggs on front of me. "Thank you again." I said as I started eating. "No probem." He said sitting next to me. I realized he didn't have a plate or any food. "Aren't you hungry?" I asked looking at him as I finished eating. "I already ate." He said taking my plate. As he put the plate in the sink we heard a knock at the door.
Too be continued...
Ichigo010 out~

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