Chapter 5

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Lucy's P.O.V:

Matthew was carrying me to Maya's house. Since you have to either a be able to fly across or b be able to jump across a river. Which I can do neither.

He lands in front of a black and blue house. It has two floors. The house also has black pillars on the porch connecting the roof to avoid rain on the porch. Matthew knocked on the door.

"Hey Matthew and Lucy." Maya said answering the door with a smile.

"Hello." Mathew and I said as she let us in. She closed the door.

"How much longer?" She asked sitting on a black couch.

"I actually have to go now. I'll be back tommorow Lucy. Bye." Matthew said leaving quickly. I sat next to Maya on the black couch.

"You ok Lucy?" Maya asked looking at me.

"I'm fine." I said smiling.

"Ok." She said leaning back. "I have set up my bed I n my room you can sleep there tonight."

"What about you?" I asked not wanting to take her bed.

"I never use it. I actually sleep in this little chair I sleep in my cat form on. So no need to worry." She said as there was knock at the door. "That must be Mason." Maya said as she got up and got the door.

"Hey." Mason said as he walked in.

"Hi." Maya said as he sat down in a single seater that is red. "In a little bit me and Lucy are going to go into my room. I want you to keep watch outside. Ok?"

"Sure." He said leaning back in the chair. After it got darker me and Maya went into her room.

I laid on her bed and she sat in the purple chair that is next to the bed. We couldn't sleep so we pretty much sat there in silence for 2 hours.

Then we heard a crash. Maya jumped up immediately, and I got up and stood behind her. The door was kicked in by a man that has pitch black hair and wings, but his eyes are blue.

"Lucas." Maya said getting a fighting position. He suddenly disappeared, but then he was suddenly in front of Maya. He grabbed her by the throat and held her off the ground.

"Stay out of my way." He said throwing Maya to the other side of the room. He looked at me and a knife appeared in his hand. Lucas grabbed my wrist and held the knife to my right cheek, and he made a small cut that still hurt.

"Leave her alone Lucas!" Maya yelled running towards him. He grabbed her by the throat again and held her off the ground. He grabbed my hair with his other hand, and pulled me.

Matthew burst through the window breaking it. He punched Lucas in the face making him let me and Maya go.

"Never hurt Lucy or my friends!" He yelled as Lucas left.

"This isn't over!" Lucas yelled then he was gone.

"Are you ok Lucy?" Matthew asked helping me up and pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine." I said hugging him back.

Ichigo010 out~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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