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Taeyeon was having frequent nightmares and leaving him so many sleepless night as dark circles we're visible on his kid-face like making Tiffany held a bundle of worries at her husband. They we're silently eating their dinner now after her workshift but seems the vampire husband was still dozing off playing with the meat on his own plate.

"T-Tae, are you okay?" She asked worriedly hoping that he will snapped back on his thoughts.

Still no response until she nudged her husband making Taeyeon startled.

"Y-Yeah? S-Sorry I was spacing out again." He answered back but Tiffany wasn't satisfied by his answer. She wants him to share some piece of mind with her because she was his behalf though.

"Don't stress yourself too much it hurts me seeing you like that, Tae?! You look more like a zombie than a cool vampire, you know that?" She chuckles same goes with him and gently cupping her face with his right hand before pushing down to meet his cold lips.

"Don't worry it will be passed soon." He nonchalantly said before Tiffany break their intimacy when she rushed towards the kitchen sink feeling a sudden nauseous.

"Seems like I should be the one telling you not to stress yourself too much, Fany-ah?" He mimicked his wife's scolding awhile ago as he tailed behind Tiffany who was still felt dizzy but managed to throw a deathly glare at his dorky husband muffling his laugh inside.

"C'mon, I will wash the dishes and you go first on our bed." He ordered his wife and forcefully pushed her into their bedroom as she sighed in defeat.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon was busy washing the plates when a loud crash of the window from their bedroom and he quickly appears inside witnessing Yuri's appearance strangled his wife's neck lifting her in one hand. Taeyeon shows his shiny fangs and eyes turns red with anger as he bend his knees ready to tackle the werewolf but he was still awares that Yuri had his unconscious wife on its hand.

"PUT HER DOWN!" Taeyeon yelled at the smirking tanned guy.

"Why do I have to comply on your pleading Mr. Kim?" The werewolf asked teasingly making Taeyeon fumes in anger towards him.

"What do you want?" Taeyeon asked surrendering himself to him.

"I want you to come with me!"

"W-WHAT? WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THAT?" Taeyeon fires back angrily when he have to fully surrendered at his enemy to be a captive.

"Well, is that your final decision?" The tanned guy asked while gripping tightly at his wife's neck leaving a slight mark and blood from it.

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