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I was now making myself to my mansion since I've been gone for ages and no one knew if I was still existing. My feelings get heavy by inch and I was freaking nervous to faced all of them but my inside being keeps on dragging me here and made me having sleepless nights. Fuck!

"Kim Taeyeon! Fighting!" I said to myself pumping ny fist into the air. These days I literally going insane as I keep talking to myself made Tiffany worry like hell, she even asked me for a thousand times about me going well but I always said I'm fine and no need to worry I assure her by making love to her every night so I could washed away all her worriness inside. Seriously, Taeyeon?

Thankfully, I saw Yoong smoking outside the mansion while leaning under the tree where we used to hanged out when I was still living here and single. I recalled all my memories with my best buddy and immediately smile at the thoughts running throughout my mind. I saw him staring at me with mouth agape and wide eyes while the cigarette on his hands fell into the ground. My heart skipped a beat! Omona!

"H-Hyung? T-Taeyeon-hyung?" He asked hesitately definitely couldn't believe I was still visible on his sight smiling back at him as he vigorously running towards me and engulfing me into a hug nearly getting both of us stumble on the ground but as relief I was strong enough to stood our spot and continued our hugging but he was now crying into my arms. Yoong misses me that much! I thought.

"How are you buddy? You're growing more handsome now I believe that you have many woman you slept with while I'm away, huh?" I asked to break this emotional moments between us I don't want to cry infront of my dongsaeng. He sees me as a tough hyung and he even idolized me from head to toe that makes me fluttered everytime he bragged me into his friends outside our clan, the norms. Yes, he was studying into a normal school where my son used to study too and he also graduated to the same university as mine even though we're not actually bond by bloods but I treated him like one.

"Yah! I'm not, I only have one girl in my heart right? Forever Seohyun!" Yoong bluntly said as he blushed immediately mentioning her name. She was Yoong's apple of the eye and also the President of their school council but they we're parted after they graduated in highschool but luckily my dongsaeng found her working at my bar as a part-time singer beside her being a sexy professor in a prestigious university in town.

"Okay, I get it! So how's life?" I break the silence and asked his cycle of life for a years without me existing.

"We're fine and you gave me alot of headaches as I was throned as a new leader of the vamps here!" Yoong groaned and give me a slight deadly stares before he faces his back into him. I chuckled.

"You must protect your family now that the wolves taking over their victory while you're gone and they we're hunting you down. Don't worry the Elders we're here to protect our clan and people but you have to be careful of those people around you. Remember our words NEVER GET TOO ATTACHED and NO ONE TOBE TRUSTED NOT EVEN YOURSELF so be careful, Hyung! I've been taking care of all your responsibilities so as a payback you must follow me and getback to your family seems like the Elders already forgiving you for breaking our oath as a vampire. Take care of Tiffany-noona and Mason." Yoong's word made me worried like hell when he metioned about the wolves involving my family here.

I quickly bids goodbye to him and running all my strength to getback quickly to my wife and son who we're patiently waiting again for me as I slowly approached at our place I saw my wife was struggling for her life on our doorway pooling by her own blood. Shit!

"Andwae! Fany-ah!" I cried out loud when I finally holding her into my arms when I saw group of wolves around us. My blood was boiling inside and my eyes turned into crimson red like blood, slowly my perm hair stood like a freaking super saiyan as I clenching my fangs together with ny hands where claws slowly growing. I saw my wife trembling in fears when she saw my sudden transformation I was called by a great leader for nothing. I beamed all the wolves with my deathly stares but seems like they weren't moved by that so I slowly showing my fangs and move like a wind and within a drop of a hat I swept them down without a single scratch on my body not even on ny fingers. They all knock down into the ground lifelessly leaving without a single breath out of them but I'm freaking worried at my beloved wife knowing she was on the lifeline between death and life.

"T-Tae, Mason needs help!" She was struggling to spoke with her state. She was crying as she tugged firmly into ny blooded coat but still I was on my raging mode so I definitely out of my mind but I clearly heard and understand what she meant before she finally closes her eyes but still managed to gave a one last peck into my lips. The taste of her blood made me insane as my stupid bloodlust clinging inside again. I hate my inner self as I stared at the blood pooling the lifeless body of my Kim Tiffany. God! She was dead but my bloolust was overtaking my whole body instead mourning into ny wife's death. Damn! You're a fucking ass Taeyeon! You're a stupid shit vampire! Fuck!

I sucked mercilessly at her white silky smooth neck without a warning but still my tears flowing as my other half cried for her death and well the others cried for pleasure of her blood. Fuck stupid!

"T-Tiffany?" I snapped back into my fucking senses and lovingly stares at my beautiful pale wife. I cried and gave her a piggyback so we could hide from the people and thankfully they're all sleeping peacefully oblivious of what happened to our residence. I blamed myself again as I failed to protect my wife and Mason was still lost but suddenly a stupid idea came into my senses and I keep battling into myself whether I have to do it or not but I would regret it if I don't, I have no choice but to choose the best way even though it was forbidden to used by us. I love my wife so I think I will break an oath again!



A/N: Hello my readers! I'm back again with another dull chapter I wasn't satisfied by my writing these days but I hope I could get you a better views for this. Mianhe I will try my best :(

Thank you for supporting me all the way since My Wife is a Noona  Saranghae ♥

chocomint89 xxxxx

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