The Prophecy

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Hyoyeon playing with her scars on her left wrist while sitting at the Kwon's balcony as she recalls how her father sacrifices himself to save his children against the vampires who wants them killed it reminded the painful memories of her sufferings. She wants to take revenged against the vampires as well as wolves but she have to find first her twins so the prophecy will be come true.


Thousand years ago the vampires and wolves have a harmonious relationship with each other and lived happily in a town when an old stranger tells them about the prophecy of the devastation of their clan that involves a twin from them. The prophecy foretold that the twins will be born as a wolf or a vampire so they have to killed both of them together with a book and forbid the wolves and vampires to lived together and prevent the prophecy came true. The vampire Elders decided to find the book first and convinced themselves that the twins will be born as wolves so they initiated the first move and attack the other clan they nearly killed all the wolves with their bare hands but unfortunately Hyoyeon's father escaped from fate of death and continued his own journey outside the world he used to live until he met a norm and fall inlove with.

Hyoyeon's father married the norm and they lived a simple life on the city and after a year they were bless by a twin that made him panicked afraid that the prophecy bear with his child and decided to hide his own family from the both clan. He noticed that his twins have scars on left wrist and the other one have on its back near butt showing the symbol of a wolf's head and a claw but the book was nowhere to be found. The vampires and wolves alarmed by the prophecy as the moon turned into crimson red like blood telling that the twins were already born and decided to kill all twins throughout their clan. Hyoyeon's father was nearly captured when he found by vampires when he was walking downtown buying groceries for his family. He runs as fast as he could until he reached their little home where his wife was lying lifelessly pooling by her own blood but the twins were nowhere to be found. One of vampire appeared from their front door carrying the twins with both hands but oblivious that they were the children of the prophecy, he jumped to the vampire with his sharp claws slashing right through its face made a deep scratch on the vampire that happens to be from a Kim clan.

The poor vampire groaned from pain that his face almost lose its shape but still handsome he have to killed the twins but Hyoyeon's father swiftly snatched the twins from his gripped and runs for their lives but unfortunately he met the cliff of the mountain making him halt from his running. The Kim who was ready to assault them but stopped when Hyoyeon's father kneeled and begging to spare the twin's life and took his life instead, the Kim has a soft spot inside and have a good heart so he made an oath with him and take the twin under his wing before he killed their father piercing his claw straight from his heart. The Kim decided to leave the other twin with a scar on its left wrist to the orphanage and take the one with a claws instead since he was longing for a child and to avoid the suspecting from his fellow vampires but the book was still missing.


Tiffany were now staying at Jessica's place since she was alone at her home and it was better to have someone with her knowing that their life was at stake from the vampires and wolves. While she was roaming around the house she found a room with a little opening of the door that has small view from inside and curiousity kills the cat. She went inside and found out that it was Sooyoung's mini library she touches the book one by one when she found an interesting book engraving a wolf's head overlapping a claws on the front cover, she slowly opened it and read a few when suddenly her eyes popped out from its socket and paused.

"The other twin have a scar of a claws on its back symbolizing DEATH."

"The scar was something familiar to me." Tiffany continue her reading and paused again.

"The twins must be separated from each other so the prophecy will not take its place."

"If hubby was one of the twin who was the other one since he didn't mention that he had a siblings. I thought he was the only heir of his clan maybe he wasn't the twin that the book tells but he told me that his uncle take home a child before and they used to be playmates but later on he didn't saw the kid again." Tiffany recalls the memories of what her husband tells him even his deepest secrets revealed to her so she knows most of the vampires laws and secrets but she remains unspoken since she respect her husband's privacy.

"Yah! Tiff! I was looking for you and here you are barging in someone's privacy? What are you doing on my husband's sacred place and it was forbidden to let someone here even me?" Jessica appeared behind her but she was still immerses herself to the book that caught her interest.

"Jessi, look at this book it was interesting. See it yourself!" Tiffany handed the book to Jessica and simply reviews what inside when she suddenly paused and furrowed her brows.

"Tiff, I think the scar thingy was same as yours right? I saw it when we bathed together when we're still single." Jessica stated a fact while reading the next few lines that made Tiffany remembered that she really has it so that's why she find it very familiar.

"But I barely knew about my past, Jessi. You think that I'm the twin that the book tells?" Tiffany asked the blonde who was also into the book as they sit lazily on a swivel chair near them.

"Just shrugged the fucking prophecy and helped me find my shikshin husband so we could also find our children and Taeyeon but thinking that this book has play its part on yours, right?" Jessica was sure a smart one when she stated a good idea to Tiffany. The latter vigorously nod and helped the blonde stood up so they could find their way from where their husband were.


A/N: Did I dropped the clue? Did I gave you a quite catch? Well, I haven't gave you a good chapter before so I made you a good twist. Hehehe.

Do you think Tiffany was the one?

Well see you on the next chapter ♥


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