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You can't after you take me down first and shows me what you've got you evil!!"

Taeyeon appeared behind with Sooyoung with full of wrath written on their faces.

Hyoyeon furrowed her brows before she gave a playful smirked and struggles to escaped from his gripped before she straight kicked his balls making him groaned and down on his knees so she successfully escaped and called her fellow wolves including Daesung and Seungri. They quickly rescued the chosen one who they believed that will save their clan but Hyoyeon planned other way around that her true purpose was to build her own clan where she can freely made wolves, vampires and norms obeyed only her down on their knees.

"I want all of you to killed them all and bring my sister back to me!" Hyoyeon ordered them and they immediately obeyed and captured Tiffany first before they attacked the captives. Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Mason and Jiyoung formed in circles facing each other's back as they prepared themselves from the assaults that made by the hungry wolves and for the first time Jiyoung shows her beautifully white fangs and crimson red eyes made Mason widen his eyes and thinking that he made the latter like him.

"J-Jiyoung? Y-You have fangs? D-Did I made that curse to you?" Mason worriedly asked when he was eyeing her sharply fangs.

"I wanted to tell you about this little secret of mine but you always cuts me off. How rude of you, right?" Jiyoung scoffed and rolled her eyes as she focused on their defense. Mason was as dumb as his father that made her annoys sometimes but she blindly inlove with the boy despite of its stupidity.

"STOP YOU'RE TALKING THERE AND KEEP YOUR FOCUS HERE!!!!" Taeyeon raged made both of them startled as Sooyoung started attacking the wolves that crowded them using his broken sword.

Mason shielded Jiyoung from Daesung raising his crossed arms and restrained the wolves left arms and twisted it but he wasn't strong enough to break those. He was suddenly grabbed on his left shoulder and he was painly clawed by him as the blood rapidly flows from his deep wounds  but still the claws were pierce deeply on his flesh. Jiyoung tried to loosen the grasped from Mason as she continuously attacked Daesung endlessly but the wolf seems invulnerable and only dodges her advantages so she decided to bite the arms of the poor wolf made him winced in pain and loosen his hold with the young vampire who stumble on the ground. She heard her Aunt Tiffany shouted from afar restricted by the remaining wolves seeing her own son pooled by its own blood, Taeyeon who was still fighting the others suddenly paused with widen eyes seeing his helpless child filling his emotions full of anger towards the culprit. He swiftly finishes his final blow that he had the chance to helped his son and embracing him into his broad arms until tears flows from his crimson eyes as anger taking over his body.

"Oh, what a pity scene between a child and father maybe I should add someone to perfect this wonderful pictures of a complete family so you wanna joined them now sissy?" Hyoyeon sarcastically stated while eyeing her twin who was struggling herself from the wolves as a captive as she was helpless from their holds though she was a half-blood vampire she couldn't do anything for her family especially to her own son, Mason.

Sooyoung was still on his own concentration to fought back to their enemy who's still assaulting them, he was determine to won against them because he felt betrayed by the wolves as well as vampires keeping the truth of his real identity and allegedly accusing him and his own mother that he was the twin that stated on the prophecy but knowing that it was false, his anger towards them reached the limit and all he wants to do was taking revenge.

"MASON? YAH! JUST HOLD ON BUDDY!" Taeyeon shooks his still unconscious son pooled by its own blood due to his deep wounds on shoulder down through the chest. Jiyoung was silently kneeling beside him praying for his life, she couldn't uttered words due to shocked even tears didn't came out from her eyes, she felt numb and emotionless.

"M-Mason? M-Mianhe." Finally she let out her tears and sobs hard beside the unconscious young lad. Mason slowly opened his eyes and struggling for his life with unstable breathing, he led his hand to wipe her girlfriend's frequent tears flowing, he smile and find her cute though his vision gradually became dim and he wasn't sure that his body became numb but still manages to let out the words he wants to convey.

"D-Dad p-please t..take c-care of J-Jiyoung for m-me, araesso? Don't let any random guy beside my unborn brother takes her away from us and married her off. P-promise me, alright? S-sorry for being a stubborn child for you and Mom, I will always be by your side and I want to thank you for giving the light to my Mom and for me though we have a short time to spend as father and son." Mason breaks his emotions and cried hard against his father's arms who engulfed him into his warmth. He clutches his hands while giving the last affectionate look towards the first girl whom he really loves.

"I will always be by your side Choi Jiyoung!"

He finally stopped breathing and lying lifelessly from his father's warmth embrace. Tiffany witnessed the scene giving her a deep wounds on her heart and shouted her own son's name that echoed throughout the underground alley. She felt her body weakened and knees were shaking uncontrollably, she wants to run towards the lifeless young boy but she was weak and the wolves gripped restrained her movement. She fell to the ground sobbing hard for her son that passed away same goes with Taeyeon who was still expressionless looking at Mason.

Hyoyeon giving them a devilish smirked clapping her hands witnessing this rare scene infront of her own eyes. She hates drama as she learns to lived in hatred, sadness and anger and didn't have any idea about love and affection since their real parents died from the hands of the cruel society allegedly accusing them for something they didn't committed.





chocomint89 xxxxx

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