Chapter 51- How it used to be

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^Picture of Justin^

~Kayla's POV~

"Last one to the barn is a rotten egg!" Justin's squeaky voice screeched, the smirk on his face being the last thing he allowed me to see before he darted off in the direction of the barn. I shook my head with a competitive smile and followed after him, kicking back dust simultaneously avoiding the cow manure that littered the tall-grassy field. Him being a competitive soccer player, his legs carried him a lot faster than mine were able to. He wasn't one to let up or take it easy on anyone, so I knew that he would come in first long before he actually did. His right hand slammed against the wooden door of the barn, dust floating up as he came in contact with the rusty wood.

"I win, you lose! Ha-ha!" he teased, his smile growing wider as my frown slumped deeper.

With crossed arms, I made my furrowed eyebrows visible to him. "No fair, you didn't even give me a chance!" I threw my hand up in an attempt to sock him on the shoulder, but he jumped back before I had the chance.

"Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!" he stuck his tongue out, pointing his dainty fingers my way. I wanted to badly to knee him where it would hurt, but I've done that enough times to know that my punishment isn't something I want to go through again.

"Whatever," I scoffed.

Before he was able to taunt me to new levels, Pattie's voice sounded with Justin and I's names.

"First one to your mom wins," I smirked, pushing myself off the old barn to give myself a push start. I could hear Justin's tiny legs following close behind me, and before I knew it he was in front of me again, his body reaching the destination a close second faster than me.

My pouty lip fell forward, and again he began to taunt and tease me.

"Stop that, Justin," Pattie demanded. "You two go and wash up before dinner."

"--Kayla." My name left Ryan's mouth in a harsh, worried tone, and it took me a moment to snap myself out of my flashback and meet eyes with him.

"What?" I responded in monotone.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past two minutes," he furrowed his eyebrows, "are you okay?"

I shot him a blank look, something he should have expected before he had the nerve to ask me that question.

"Look," Chaz started after stuffing his mouth with a spoonful of the depressing hospital cafeteria food that laid on our plates. "I know we're all stressed, and I know we're all scared, but let's all just stay calm, okay? There's nothing we can do about this situation, and if we all are gonna continue to be depressing as hell its just gonna make this ten times more shitty."

"Shut up, Chaz. He's in a fucking hospital room for God's sake and no one will tell us what the fuck is going on. Sorry if we're inconveniencing you by being 'depressing' but this is a shitty situation," Ryan snapped.

Chaz looked taken-a-back, but it got him to shut up. It was eerily quiet between the three of us, the sounds of our plastic forks scraping against our plates and the small chatter among the people surrounding us being the only sounds audible to our ears.

Four hours. Four hours have gone by that I've been here and I still have no fucking clue the reason my best friend is in a hospital bed, and I'm not even entirely sure if he knows why he's here either. If he's even awake.. I have no idea. Nobody will tell me anything. It makes me feel that much crazier that the doctors here talk to me like I'm some fucking child, like if they say too much it'll send me toward a mental breakdown. The way they all tiptoe around me as if spilling any information too close to me would cause me to act how I did earlier.

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