1: Our Mistake

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This is the exact same story that is on PurpleTaco143's profile. But we ARE writing it together, so why not have it on both profiles right?

Hope you like?


Carter's POV

I sat up in bed, glancing around at an unfamiliar room. The walls were pale and yet the room was huge and luxurious. I spotted a couple windows covered by silky curtains in a far corner and a few unlit light bulbs in tall lamps, yet no light could enter the huge area. What was I doing here? How did I get here? And most importantly, what had happened last night? It was fuzzy and I didn’t remember much. My thoughts came to an abrupt stop when the bed dipped beside me, indicating the presence of someone other than myself in the room. I turned on my side, preparing to dart off the bed. My heart was galloping through my chest as I eyed the door. Planning my escape. I was stopped by a warm arm, pulling me to the unknown person's chest. The smell of cologne hit my nose like a wave, radiating of the body of some stranger. I had to admit that this person did smell good. "Morning" He whispered. It was a he. Good. I didn’t want to have to rationalize a different situation. I breathed in steadily. "Who are you?" I said, retaining my calm attitude. "I'm your boyfriend. I know we had a wild night, but you need to get up Selena, we have an interview today" He replied, kissing the back of my neck softly. Mmmm, that felt good. Wait. Selena? Who's Selena? Last time I checked, my name was Carter. Carter Cain. And another question. Why was I in a bed with this guy? "Hey there, but last time I checked, my name is Carter" I said laughing, turning over to face him, and sticking out for him to shake. He didn't take my hand. I looked closer, to find him staring at something on his finger.

                    His face was pale. A wedding ring. Ha! Loser must've married some slut last night! I brought my hand up to my face to hide my laughter, but was stopped by a glinting object on my left hand. A ring. An elegant silver band, with a GIANT rock on it. I mean that thing was MASSIVE. I turned my hand and it sent sparkling diamond patterns onto the sheets, it was paired with another elegant silver band, with little diamond stones on it. My mind went back to the fact that it was a ring. What did I do? I scrambled up off the bed, just realizing I was only wearing a bra and panties. Oh no, this can't be happening. What happened last night!? He looked up at me, standing there. Then as he registered that I wasn’t this so called Selena person he glared and stood up facing me."You’re not Selena! What happened last night?!" he asked stupidly. As soon as those words left his lips, my head pounded with each syllable. Oh great, I'm hung-over! And depending on how stupid lover boy is, I'm guessing he is too. He ran a hand through his tousled hair. Wait, tousled hair? Selena? Interview? I silently pieced the puzzle together. I have an Idea who my new husband is, and I am defiantly not liking it. "Justin Bieber?" I asked. He cringed with the volume of my voice, as did I and then said, "Oh great, you’re a fan too?” "Fan my ass! The only thing I want to do with you is figure out why in the hell this ring is on my finger! I couldn't care less if you jumped off a cliff!" I shot back, flashing my hand. "Then why are we married?" he mumbled. "We got drunk, you idiot! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a group of people waiting on me" I said, stepping out the door. Completely disregarding the fact that I was in my underwear.

                    I probably got 2 steps out the doorway before the idiot yanked me back in. I pulled away, seeing a news paper crushed in his hands. He shoved it in my face; the headline read 'Bieber Has A Secret Wedding?' in bold print. "If you leave, you will be mobbed by VERY angry fans. You might as well take everything I have and ruin me. And I will do the same for you. Exposing this will ruin change your life forever! That or you can stay and be my wifey for a little while until we get divorced" He said, closing the door and setting the paper down. "I'd rather live a life of poverty than be your wife!" I spat."It’s not really just your choice, we’re a pair now, whether you like it or not" He said, knowing I'd give up. I huffed and walked farther into the room, he was right. Wow. Never thought I would admit to that with Mr. Beaver. We sat on the couch and he pulled out his phone to call his manager, lost on what to do. We ended up sitting through a half an hour of a very angry manager screaming at us over the phone, telling Justin that he just basically effed up his life, before he finally explained what we should do. "I doubt the judge will let you off without a year of marriage, and if you leave Justin too soon, it will ruin his reputation and yours. So how bout you guys pull through for a couple months and we'll go on from there" he said.

                    I stood up, almost falling over. "But I have a boyfriend and the idiot here has a girlfriend! What are they gonna think if we get married all of a sudden!" I said, refusing to marry some jerky pop star. I just turned 18 a few months ago and now this! Who even gave me alcohol? "Then you need a story! Let's say you and Justin have loved each other for a couple years, been best friends for a VERY long time, you guys met for the first time in a VERY long time and he realized he couldn’t let you go again and you eloped" The manager dude said back. I had to admit that that was really romantic. But really, does this guy have to have an answer to everything!!? I slumped in my seat, displeased with myself for ever agreeing to go partying last night. "It's ok, at least you have me" Justin said, lifting my face up with his filthy pop star hands.  I leaned in, pretending to kiss him. Waiting till the last second, I quickly slapped him and walked out the door and into the bedroom, sending a quick text to Delaney explaining where I was. "You'll want me soon enough, wifey!" He yelled from the room beside me. My phone started buzzing and I answered it as I continued searching for my clothes. “Hello?” I grumbled. “Jesus CHRIST Carter! Don't talk so loud!” Delaney whisper shouted. I smirked; at least I wasn’t the only one with a hangover. “Sorry princess” I whispered. “So, Justin Bieber huh?” She asked. I moaned, “UGH, YES!” She laughed nervously. I stood up, abandoning the search for my clothes. “What did you do?” I asked. “I was sorta…kinda…your witness” she blurted out.

                    “YOU LET ME DO THIS!?” I screamed. I heard soft laughter from the doorframe and looked up to see a laughing Beaver. I flipped him off, which only made him laugh harder, and went back to my conversation. “How could you?” I added. “Well, I was severely intoxicated, as were you might I add, and we met Justin at a night club. You guys were getting pretty heated on the dance floor, both drunk off your ass. He had girls all around him, but he kept coming back to you, and then he asked if you wanted to marry him, you asked right now?, and then he nodded, you said yes, kissed him, then you drug me away from everyone, asked me to be your witness, which I agreed to, and then we went to the really expensive chapel thingy and it all happened there” she revealed. I slapped my hand onto my forehead. DAMN, that wasn’t smart. “Well unfortunately I have to hang with Mr. Beaver all day, so I’ll try and see you when I can” I said. She laughed, and then said, “Ow…okay bye.”I chucked my phone back at my pillow. I looked over at Justin, “Where are my clothes?” He shrugged and then pointed at a chair in the corner, “I think you came home in that.” On top of the chair was a short white gown. But it was torn to threads. I looked over at him, “Did we-?” He laughed, “I don't think so.” I sighed. “Although I wouldn’t of minded” he smirked, eyeing my half naked body. I shivered under his gaze and suddenly felt so much more bare and self conscious. “Well are you going to give me something to wear?” I snapped. He shrugged, “If you insist.” He moved to the other corner of the room and a pile of suitcases.

                    I watched as he bent over to push through pieces of fabric. Well, he did have a nice ass. And the way he back muscles flex make me- WOAH STOPING THOUGHTS NOW. I shook my head and caught an oversized t-shirt and a pair of boxers when they were thrown at me. I slid the checkered boxers over my lacy purple underwear and a big white t-shirt with mustache on it over my bra. “Um, thanks Mr. Beaver” I said. He shrugged pulling on a shirt. That made me sad; I enjoyed looking at his abs- REALLY? I seriously should slap myself! “You do realize that this makes you Mrs. Beaver” he said. I sighed. Well shit. I guess I’d have to stop calling him that. You know now that I realize it, it's weird that I'm in this situation right now. I went from getting straight A’s and taking summer vacation in Paris, to turning 18 and my friends dragging me to Vegas. I was always the good girl. But sarcastic and confident. I stood up and moved to the other room, sifting through the fridge to find something to fill my empty stomach. I decided on a piece of wedding cake. Grabbing to forks I plopped myself down of the couch next to Justin, throwing a fork at him. He picked it up and dug into the cake. As we watched the news and not surprisingly an article about Justin Beaver and his secret wedding, -which thanks to god no pictures were taken at- . I just couldn’t seem to get over the fact that I entered the club last night as Carter Cain and then I woke up as Mrs.BIEBER???

I Woke Up As Mrs.BIEBER?? (A Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now