2: Meeting The Exes

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I sat on the plush, cream colored couch in the living room, silently waiting till Justin finished in the bathroom. Yes, Mr. Bieber over there has been in the large bathroom for ages. Probably perfecting his oh so 'beautiful hair'. Or maybe practicing the flip and singing into a hairbrush. Laughing at my joke, I knocked on the door, surprised to see him walk out in only a towel. My eyes soaked in every detail, Feeling the need to stroke his chest. My hand raised from my side, then mentally smacked myself and moved my hand back to act as though I was only scratching my head. "What ya looking at. Am I really too much to handle?" he asked smirking as I dropped my gaze. I picked myself up off the furniture, walking into the bedroom behind Justin. I really needed something to change into. That WERNT boxers. "Why are you following me?" he asked in a teasing tone. "Eww, I'm still in your clothes. I can't go out like this. People get suspicious you know" I said throwing him a disgusted looked from his first comment. He turned around shaking his head and pausing by the bathroom door. He reached out and pulled me closer to him. "Were married now, let them think what they want" he spoke softly, his arms finding their way to my thighs. "The ring on my finger means nothing. Not now, not ever. So forget it" I spat, prying his arms from there forbidden location. My thighs were tingling from his touch, want surged through me. Secretly, I wanted him to keep them there but he could never know that.

Ignoring Justin's attempt at earning my affection, I pushed him away letting him go BACK into the bathroom to get dressed. Despite my strong urge to bust back in there –because I REALLY had to pee- I went to raking through open suitcases, I found a pair a basketball shorts and then I spotted my prize. High on the very top of the dresser that held a TV was a kickass purple hat. His signature hat. I stood, stretching up on my tippy toes my fingers didn’t even come close to grazing the bottom. Unable to reach my goal, I sank back to the floor, landing on the balls of my feet. I really wanted that hat. So I stood there contemplating on a way to reach the hat, when I was pulled up from my height, bringing me face to face with the flat brimmed hat."Than- Oh Justin" I said, not wanting to congratulate him on his success. He set me down quietly, "No thank you?" He asked, drawing me into his now clothed body."Nope" I simply said, popping the P and placing the engraved hat on my head. He laced his fingers through mine and said, “I hope you’re ready for this.” I looked up at him as we made our way to the elevator. “What?” I asked. He ingnored the question. “Keep you head down, remember we’re a couple now, act like you love me alright?” he asked. “Okay” I said. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Outside I could see thousands of people. All cramming their meaty little faces up against the glass with their cameras and microphones. As soon as we were seen the shouting started. It was muffled, but it got louder the closer we got to the glass doors separating us from them. He squeezed my hand lightly as he pulled me out the huge doorway, leading us to the car as I kept my head down. Paparazzi are the last thing I want to deal with right now.The screaming got so much louder. And I could see the flashes through my eyelids when I blinked.

But other than that I think that we were handling this well. I had to admit that I was very impressed that he could keep his head high and push through these people. Granted I now thanked god that sunglasses were invented. Although I wasn’t wearing any…I’d have to ask for a pair from Bieber later. "Are you the lucky girl?" "What's your name?" "Are you still pure?". We were bombarded with questions. Voices came from everywhere, as if we were trapped in a void. Then I lost focus as one question rang through my brain 'Are you still pure?'. I scoffed, did they really think I would give myself to Justin. Although, he was hot. But come on! I'm not like THAT! *Although you did go get drunk and married in Vegas*. I broke into laughter as we entered the car."What's so funny?" Justin asked, probably annoyed that I knew something he didn't."Nothing, nothing at all" I replied, satisfied that I ticked him off.His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he parked the car in the studio entrance.

Justin's P.O.V

Why doesn't she love me? Most girls fall flat on their face when they see me! I can't believe my own wife doesn't love me, let alone like me. Wife, I like the sound of that. And honestly the way she looked at me, and treated me only made me want her more. I went and opened her car door and laced our fingers together –which I had to admit I really liked-  pulling her into the glass building where we would talk to our soon to be exes. I just hope Sel takes this well. Hell! I KNOW she wont! Strangly enough I knew I would miss her, but the idea of being with Carter, appealed to me. Like there was some unknown pull between us, I just wondered if she felt it too. I felt her stop short before we reached the doors, she wasn’t budging, not even an inch. She was probably thinking the same thing of her boyfriend. Would be hurt me? Hmm. I motioned her to come, but there she stood, stiff as a board. She must really like this guy. I felt a sudden twinge of guilt. I HAD been the one to ask her. Although I HADNT been myself. I cant believe I had been so STUPID. Looking down slightly I pulled myself together and pulled her up so she was attached to my chest. She was extremely light. Though what I had seen of her body –which had been exposed in underwear - she had curves. She was also VERY confident in her body. Which was hot. Carter didn't seem to notice me now holding her, she held a blank expression. Walking through the long halls, we stopped in front of the conference room. I breathed slightly before opening the door and stepping in. A sharp gasp resounded, snapping Carter out of her trance, she poked my cheek. Wow, she almost had me convinced, until I remember our agreement.

                "Ok babe" I said, pecking her cheek and setting her down. My lips tingled and I licked them lightly. She even tasted good! I set her down before I sat in a business-like chair,  pulling her on my lap. Shifting uncomfortably, she plastered a fake smile on her face. Her pearly white teeth were perfect. Scooter walked in the room, glanced at us and laughed silently. He must have sensed the fakeness her of smile and the awkwardness of our postion. Carter laced her left hand through mine and placed it on the table. Carters boyfriend –whom she had yet to make eye contact with- sat in a chair next to Selena. He had fire in his eyes. His knuckles were white from the force of his grip. Selena glared at Carter, spotting the rings on our fingers. I smiled innocently, trying to ease the tension. We quietly explained the situation that was given to us and Carter pulled me up. Ready to say a goodbye, obviously on the verge of tears, she was cut off. "Who do you think you are? Stealing my boyfriend like that?" Selena said, standing up and walking towards her. The tears were gone for the moment while Carter held her ground. If looks could kill, Selena would've died a long time ago."I didn't steal your boyfriend!" "Save it" Selena growled, eyeing me. Carter walked up to become chest to chest with Selena. “Let’s just remember who he loved first” she spat. Selena blinked, she wasn’t expecting a fight. “I will win him back and I will be his wife, got that?” Selena asked. “Bring it bitch” Carter said. Venom oozed through her eyes. Selena back up, slightly. Scared, I believe. I was suddenly filled with an overpowering sense of want and lust for Carter…stupid hormones. I pushed the feelings back down inside me. Selena looked back to me. "Bye Justin" she purred, exiting the door. Carters boyfriend followed her, leaving a longing glance in his ex-girlfriends direction. Pulling me back to our car, Carter sat in the passenger seat, and tried her very hardest not to cry.


Wellll then!:D

Sorry it took so long!!

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I Woke Up As Mrs.BIEBER?? (A Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now