I Was Definitely Not The Smartest Child In The World

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When my mom remarried, we moved to a new house. This house was super big, with long hallways and big rooms. It was also super boring. My new step father really didn't know what to do with a 7 year old, and after so many unsuccessful electronic gifts he gave up and left me to my own devices.

This was dangerous for me.

One such example is that after so many days walking through the long main hallway at night to get a glass of water, I thought I was pro at the hallway. I felt that I knew this hallway so well, that I could run through it with my eyes closed.

What a mistake that was.

I ended up running face first into a wall. My big toe hit the wall second and almost peeled the toenail off. After landing on my butt and sitting there for a few stunned seconds, I started to cry. Mom came over to see what was wrong, and I told her what happened. She laughed so hard she couldn't breathe, and I haven't heard the end of it since.

Another example of me being dangerous/stupid without proper super vision was when I turned 15 and decided that my uni-brow had to go. It really wasn't that bad considering my hair was pretty light then but it bugged me nonetheless. So I took a razor and shaved between my eyebrows.

I ended up with a good inch and a half between my brows.

My eyebrows still haven't forgiven me for it, and still stick up every which way since then.

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