Birthday Sickness

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This is for The0Reader0 hope you enjoy! Sorry, some of the bold print is a mistake. Phone glitches.......
Comment and tell me your opinion.

Louis P.O.V

I woke up with a sharp pain in my chest. I started coughing like crazy. Minutes later, my phone rang. I answered the phone.
L=Louis Li=Liam H=Harry N=Niall
L- Hello?
Li-Hey mate!
L-Thanks guys. I'm gonna have to cancel on the plans today. Family is coming over and I want to spend private time with them. Sorry.
N-That's okay, mate. Maybe another day!
L-Great, thanks
H-No problem Lou, see you later!
Li H N- Bye

Along with chest pain, my head is aching and my stomach is cramping up really bad. I'm took weak to get medicine so I layed back down and fell into a fitful sleep.

Liam P.O.V

N-Should we call his family to make sure they arrive here safely?
H-I think that's a good idea
L-Alright, I'll call them

Li-Mrs.Tomlinson. How are you?
J-I'm doing fine. How about you?
Li-I'm good. What time are you coming?
J-Coming where?
Li-To San Diego. Louis said you were coming in. That's why he cancelled his birthday plans with us.
J- No, he usually does that to get out of something he doesn't want to do
Li-Oh, okay. Thanks anyway!
J-No problem sweetie, talk to you later!
Li-Alright, bye Mrs.Tomlinson!

H-What did she say?
Li- she said that Louis makes excuses to get out of things he doesn't want to do. Let's go see what he's up too

Louis P.O.V

The pain in my chest and stomach grew. It hurt to breathe. From the night till now, I've had 5 asthma attacks. I heard a knock on my door.
H-We know you are in there Lou
Li-Your mum told us you made an excuse to get out of things you don't want to do.
N-Come on Lou, open up

I couldn't get up, everything hurt too much. I curled myself into a ball and shut my eyes. I heard the door open and footsteps come towards me. A hand felt my forehead.

Li-He's got a fever. Go get a cool cloth and the thermometer please

Seconds later, a thermometer was put in my ear.

H-He's wheezing

The thermometer beeped.

Li-102.7. We need to wake him up to see what's wrong

A cool cloth was layed on my forehead.

Ni-Wake up Lou

I shook my head. Tears leaked out of my eyes. It felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. My stomach really hurt. I curled up tighter into a ball, while hugging my stomach.

Li-You need to tell us what's wrong

I opened my eyes, while still in a ball, and looked at them. Their faces were stricken with worry.

L-Stomach hurts, head hurts, chest hurts, hurts to breathe

I closed my eyes again. A hand rubbed my back.

Ni-I'll call the doctor

Li-Have you taken any medicine?

L-No, hurt too much and weak

My chest tightened more and I couldn't breathe. I grabbed my inhaler off the nightstand and put it in my mouth. Seconds letter, I could breathe. I sprawled out on my back. I hurt so much. I started to cry more.

H-Are you okay?


I started sobbing. I curled back into a ball and put my head to my knees.

Ni-Doctor will be here in 15 minutes

Comment and tell me what you think the doctor should say what's wrong with him

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