The Elf Who Gets Kaelyn Grounded! - Chapter 4

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Kaelyn's POV:
Today is December 18th. It's almost Christmas! I'm so excited just like everyone else, and to get in the Christmas spirit, I'm decorating the house! My family do that every year. It's like a tradition.
     As I placed a reindeer decor down on the cabinet in our living room, I heard a very squeaky voice.
"Help me! Help me!"
Wait, what? Where did THAT come from?? Dad is at work, Ethan, my younger, 12 year old brother is at soccer. It's only me and Mom at home. So then who was that? It couldn't be Mom. Her voice isn't so squeaky.
"Please, get me out!" it continued.

I quickly place the reindeer decor down and tried to find where the voice was coming from.
I think it was coming from the drawer of the coffee table. So I pulled the stiff drawer and saw our elf doll lying there.

As I was wondering why on earth it was there, the elf abruptly disappeared! Yes! I said it, it disappeared!
"Where did it go?" I wondered, searching for the elf. It couldn't have just disappeared!

I didn't let the elf disappearance bother me much. Maybe, it was just my imagination. I decided, I'll just edit my SSG video for this week. So I started editing my video on my laptop.

I had also heard my Mom wrapping presents. I just can't wait to open them! But, of course I wouldn't peek. I want it to be a surprise on Christmas Day!

15 minutes later...
Rip, Ripp, Rip.
What's ripping? It sounds like paper ripping.
"What happened to all the presents I wrapped?" I heard my Mom say. "Kaelyn and I are the only ones home. Kaelyn.." called my Mom furiously.

"Girl, you are in so much trouble," started Mom, storming into my room.
"What for?" I asked.
"The presents, hello?" answered Mom."They're all unwrapped!"
"I didn't touch them!" I explained.
"Stop lying to me, Kaelyn."
"I'm not lying! I didn't touch them!" I protested.
Mom just wouldn't believe me. But I was honest! I would never open the presents!

Later that day...
"Hey, what are you making?" I asked Mom, who was holding a pan of Christmas cookies that have just been taken out of the oven.
"Baking Christmas cookies," replied Mom. "For Ethan's Christmas party at school,"
"They look good," I complimented. And they smell amazing too.
"No eating them," demanded Mom.
"Okay.." I answered, even though one cookie would be nice.
"I only made enough for tomorrow, but I promise I'll make some for you soon." promised Mom.

I went to the mailbox outside our house, grabbed the envelopes and went back to the house.
"Hey mom I got the mail-" I started.
"Kaelyn," Mom cut me off. "Can you explain this?" She was holding the plate of cookies-or crumbs.
"I honestly wish I could, but I can't," I said, dropping the mail on the floor.
"Uh, where did all the cookies go?" asked Mom.
"I don't know!" I said, honestly.
"First the presents, now this? Do you want to get grounded?" asked Mom, frustrated.
"Grounded- I didn't do anything!" I protested. "I was taking out the mail, I couldn't have done this!"

"Okay, Kaelyn," started Mom. "You're in big trouble."
"Mom, why won't you believe me?" I whined, hurrying out of the kitchen.
And that's where I saw him- the elf, sitting on the box of ornaments. It was him the whole time! The presents, the cookies, and what is he up to now?
Clink, clink, clink. The ornaments fell out of the box, bounced, and rolled everywhere!
And before I knew it, Mom was coming this way!
"Mom, no-watch out!" I warned her. She could slip on the ornaments and hurt herself very badly, which I do NOT want to happen.

And that's what happened. Mom slipped, and fell on the ground. "Where did all these ornaments come from?"

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked, leaning over her. Thank goodness she doesn't look like she is hurt severely.
"Kaelyn, I've had it today," explained Mom. "You are grounded."
NOOO! IM COMPLETELY INNOCENT! I didn't do any of this! It was all because of that elf! I had to explain!
"Mom, all of this wasn't me! You'll never believe me, but I know who it was- it was this red elf, he comes every year for Christmas! I saw him do this with my own eyes!" She had to believe me! It's all true!

"Kaelyn, I had enough of your stories. Go to your room," Mom demanded.
      I stormed into my room. Great. I'm grounded even though I'm innocent.

"Hehehehe," squeaked a tiny red object resting on the top of my Christmas tree.
I glanced up. That elf!


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