Polly Pimplepants Spend the Night at Kaelyn's.. -Chapter 3

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Thank you so much for all the votes and comments on my last chapter! They mean a lot to me!

  Guys, I'm so sorry haven't been posting for two months!  I have a life outside of the screen and a LOT of schoolwork. I'll try really hard to upload a chapter though! Uploading one chapter takes up to 2 hours!

Kaelyn's POV:

"Kaelyn?" called Mom.

"Yes?"  replied as I was in the middle of putting my laundry away.

       "Do you remember the Pimplepants family?" asked Mom.

I definitely remember them. I admit, the PimplePants family is one weird family.. They don't have the best manners, When I was eight years old, I had to spend a night at their house, which smells like spinach, onion, and smelly socks! Polly, the daughter, put toothpaste in Oreos! (I ate it, and it was GROSS)

Not to mention they complains about EVERYTHING.

"Yeah," I replied.

     "Well, they need our help," Mom continued. "They are going out of town, and Polly has to stay over at our house,"

  Okay. Polly? Polly Pimplepants?  Polly Pimplepants staying over at our house?? No way!

"No, mom you don't understand!" I whined. "She complains about everything!" I just cannot imagine Polly staying over.

         "Kaelyn, they need our help. And we're going to help them. She'll be here any minute, just letting you know," said Mom as she walked out of my room.

     I flopped myself on my head, face first. Great. Tonight is going to be a longggggg night.

       A minute later (yes, literally, a minute later) the doorbell rang. But no- not once, not twice, but about six times! Polly must be at the door, ringing it six times. That's something she would do.  But she seriously doesn't need to ring the door so many times!

I opened the door, and trying to be happy and polite as Mom has taught me, I welcomed her. "Hi Polly!"

Polly, who was wearing glasses, green lipstick (what a weird color) and some weird skeleton shirt with blue shorts and also holding a bag, probably with her clothes in it, walked right in my house without a word.

     She stomped into my room as I followed her. Unexpectedly, she slammed the door to my room. Okay.. I'm supposed to me nice to someone like this.. that's a very nice start to this sleepover! (I'm being sarcastic)

       "Uh, Polly," I said opening the door of my room.

Polly flopped on my bed, flipping her short blond hair.

     "Why did you just slam the door on me?" I asked, trying to be polite.

There was no answer. "Hello?" I asked again. "Polly! Are you even listening to me?"

"Ugh, what is that horrible smell?" asked Polly, rudely.

   "Oh, that's my Christmas candle!" I said pointing to it.

Polly gagged. "Bleh! I hate Christmas! That smell is horrible, just like the rest of your house. I wonder why my mother bother to let me stay here."

How can Polly not love Christmas?? Everyone loves Christmas! And could she not try to be polite?

"Well, since you're only staying here for one night, why don't we make the best of it?" I said, encouragingly. Maybe me and Polly could find something fun to do! "We could play a board game, watch a movie, we could tell funny or scary stories, we could-" I started.

    "Stop, stop, STOP! I'm not doing those stupid ideas!" said Polly, cutting me off. "You could get me a snack,"

"Okay!" I replied. "I'll go get a snack!" I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks. Now, what would Polly want? Chips maybe? Or Cheetos? I'll grab both of them.

    I went back to my room, "Okay, so I got-"  I glanced at Polly crawling on my bed, her head! Her head was a horse head! H-how did that happen? is she turning into a horse?

I started screaming. "Polly!"

   Polly pulled the horse mask off and started laughing her head off. Now, that was't funny.

"Polly, you scared me to death! And that was't funny!" I say.

    Polly continue laughing, I can't stand her laugh.

"Okay, that's enough!" I exclaimed.


Polly finally stopped.

  "Maybe.. We could listen to some music!" I suggest. "Who doesn't like music? So, what song do you want to listen to?"

"Well, that's the only decent thing you said all night," Polly grabbed MY phone (how rude), and burst on rock music very loudly and started dancing to it crazily. 

   "Woah, woah, turn that down!" I insist, covering my ears. I felt like my eardrums are going to explode!

Of course, Polly ignored me as usual and kept on dancing.

"Polly, that's enough, turn it down!" I demanded.

   The music slowly died away, as Polly laughed uncontrollably.

I felt my eyelids drop.

"Polly.. Is there anyway we could just stop this craziness? I'm really tired, so could you just lay on the bed and rest?" I ask tiredly.

I doze off to sleep, it felt so good - no, amazing to finally be sleeping. Two minutes later, I woke up to this weird sound beside me. It's still pitch dark out, maybe about 1 in the morning? What now??

I rub my eyes to see Polly laying on the bed beside me with - I don't know - seven cans of whipped cream laying beside her. Where on earth did she get all that?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

  "What does it look like?" Polly barked. "Enjoying my whipped cream,"

"I'm not gonna even ask where you got all that. But Polly, can't you go to sleep, I'm exhausted!" I cried. "You kept me all night!"

     "Deal with it!" snorted Polly, squirting more whipped cream in her mouth.

I'm never going to get any sleep!


The next morning...

I am extremely tried. I haven't got a wink of sleep. Polly kept me up all night. She had finally fell into sleep and is now snoring REALLY loud. She has no idea how relieved I am that she's leaving today. Hopefully by the time she wakes up, her parent's will be ready to pick her up, because I don't know how much I can take of this.

I glanced at Polly, who is still fast asleep, and slowly get up from the bed. As I walked out of my room I see Mom standing in front of me wearing her nightgown with her hair in a bun.

"Mom, shh, don't be loud." I warned her. I didn't want to wake Polly up.  "Oh my gosh, Polly is finally asleep!"

      "Hey, I was just coming in to get you," started Mom.

"Why?" I ask. "Wait, let me tell you! the night was miserable! I was up all night, I didn't get a a minute of sleep! She was so rude and annoying, she complained about everything! She-"

"Okay, Kaelyn? I have some bad news," said Mom. "Polly's parent's aren't home and they're staying one more night."


"You're-you're kidding. Mom, no! You can't, Mom!" I whine.


I hope this chapter was good! Please vote for it, press that little star, it only takes a second. I would mean a lot to me!

Thanks!! :)

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