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coffeemaker: you know, i don't know what you look like mr. troye
[8:20 pm]

drunkinnutella: i don't know what you look like mr. connor
[8:22 pm]

coffeemaker: troyeeeee, send me a selfie. i'll send you one too
[8:22 pm]

drunkinnutella: okay okay, here *photo attachment*

drunkinnutella: i'm sorry i don't look amazing, i'm laying on my couch and i just got out of the shower
[8:24 pm]

coffeemaker: holy shit, wow. you're so pretty
[8:24 pm]

drunkinnutella: pretty?
[8:24 pm]

coffeemaker: i mean you look nice

coffeemaker: this is me :/ *photo attachment*
[8:26 pm]

drunkinnutella: what's with the :/? you are fucking cute, i like your face
[8:27 pm]

coffeemaker: ooh, thank you troye :)
[8:27 pm]

drunkinnutella: you're welcome :)

drunkinnutella: my mum just stared at me for two minutes
[8:29 pm]

coffeemaker: oh my god, why?
[8:29 pm]


drunkinnutella: what if she knows i'm gay?
[8:30 pm]

coffeemaker: i don't think your mom would stare at you to tell you that she knows you're gay, troye.

coffeemaker: wait, you said mum?

coffeemaker: you're australian? or british?
[8:31 pm]

drunkinnutella: yep, but i was actually born in south africa and my family moved to australia when i was two
[8:32 pm]

coffeemaker: wow that's so cool

coffeemaker: i was born wisconsin and raised in minnesota
[8:32 pm]

drunkinnutella: ooh, i've always wanted to visit there but i am so broke to go anywhere

drunkinnutella: i can't even go to a gas station to buy a hotdog
[8:34 pm]

coffeemaker: hahahahahhahahahhaha

coffeemaker: i have to go to bed now, love youuuuuuuuuuu honey
[8:35 pm]

drunkinnutella: awe, i love you tooooooooooo sugar
[8:35 pm]

Tronnor is so fucking real, you can't deny it. I mean, how can they not be together? They are literally always together.

Let me know your thoughts :)


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