Chapter 2

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Cheyenne's P.O.V

I woke up in Daltons arms and when I tried to get up, his grip would tighten. I got out of his embrace after the tenth time. I jump in the shower and ran my fingers over the mark that was on my neck. I showered and changed. I walked out and Dalton was still asleep. I left him a note saying I was going for a run. I wore a red tack top and a pair of black shorty shorts. I went behind a tree and undressed so I wouldnt destoey my clothes. I changed into my wolf and with my clothes floded and in my mouth. I took off running, Kate had been dyeing to run free for a little. It was about midnight and it was a full moon. I ran and ran till I come to a meadow. I walked into the middle of the meadow when I heard a low growl. I got into fight postion and a pitch black wolf came out of the tree line. He walked towards me and we were a few feet from each other.
(In the pic) I was ready to fight when a voice ran through my mind "Shift my love." I nodded and went behind a tree,shifted and got dressed. When i came out the black wolf was gone there stood Dalton. I smiled and walked up to him. "Don't scare me like than mate." "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He started kissing his mark that he left. I let out a soft moan and nodded yes. He smiled and layed me on the ground and crawled on top of me. He eyes were black, his wolf was in contorl. I keep hearing Kate asking me to take control and talk to hiim. I let her have at it, I fell asleep when we chanegd.

Kate's P.O.V

Cheyenne let me in control and fell asleep. "Hello mate I am her wolf speaking." He nodded. "Im his wolf, Nate." "I'm Kate." We talked for a little till he had to give Dalton back control....Cheyenne was still sleeping I am going to leave her. Dalton's eyes went back to his chocolate brown eyes. "Give Cheyenne control please Kate." "I am sorry but cant she is sleeping and she is thinking about stuff." I giggled and shifted ripping the mine and Cheyenne's clothed. Oh shit....oh well. I ran from Dalton and torwards the river. I stepped onto the water and for some reason didnt go under but stayed on top. I walked across the water and felt pain in my back. I screamed and wolfed in pain. Dalton came out of no where and seen me in the middle of the lake. "" I went through the pain and I heard the sound of the pair of wings flapping. I turned and seen a pair of white angel wings appear. I was shocked...."Kate, let me in control." I nodded and let Cheyenne back in control.

Cheyenne's P.O.V

I came back from sleeping and thinking and found out the Kate ripped our clothes. We are now walking on water and a pair of white angel white just appeared on me. I shifted and to my surprise I was in a white dress and a white rose in my hair. I walked torwards Dalton but seen my father and Alpha Randy came up from behind him. They looked at me in disbelif. Was I ugly or am I a monster

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