2. Guys

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Guys are difficult to handle. Some of them are just to agressive, others are to shy and they don't talk to you, others can be so cute and friendly and then there are others who seem to hava a stupidity problem. Anyway, if you don't know how to hang with him, don't expect he will learn and be the one who hangs with you.

I don't mean that guys don't take the lead, because they do, even in friendship. What i mean is that if you don't know what things to talk, when to talk and when to stop you will end up messing up almost everything. Guys can be difficult because if they want in a minute they are talking to you normally in the next they are ignoring you. I'm not talking about all the guys, but you should know that there are guys like this. Who can have a really bipolar relationship with you.

That happened to me and my friend Louis, I already told you about him. He is cool but he can be difficult to be friends. This doesn't happen to all the people, just i guess, with me. Because when the year started we weren't the same. Our friendship had there something missing, and I didn't knew what. Right in first day, I went inside the school and i found him with others friends of mine, and his too. We've talked but he didn't do his normal pranks and stuff which made me laugh one day. Instead with me in that first day he did it with other girl. A girl who was my friend, actually.

I toke that as a normal thing, so i didn't take it as important as i afterwards found it one of the most important things in my mind.  

If it was now I would never had taken things like that, because our friendship was something I protected at the highest level but guess I didn't protected that well. 

Right in the firsts weeks I started noticing he give a lot of his attention to a certain girl, the attention he would give in the past to me. Now all that was reserved to her and none to me.  

Our friendship, as I said before, was one of the most important things to me. And it's sad how such an important relation could just turn into a mean less thing. At least for me. For him I don't know. As I said he is a difficult guy, I can't figure him out. And sometimes I'm happy about it, but most of the times I just want to get some of his actions and choices. But anyway... boys can be so difficult to handle, you just never know how they will react. Even if it seams that you know him for a lifetime and you know him so well... you'll never know. 

I was being replaced and I did not liked the feeling. The worst part in being replaced it's when you know that you love that person more than the other who is replacing you. Even if in a friendship mode. Don't get me wrong he still talked to me, but it wasn't the same. And in some way i wish i could be her. 

At this time other guy entered my high-school and he just ruin the left part of Louis... he just destroied him and i think the person i was seing it wasn't him. It couldn't... 

This guy was pretty cool and a big influence... not saying he was a bad one. But there some things that i know that if it wasn't him, Louis wouldn't probably had much fun or experience in some things... Not that i aproved cause seriously... who am i to aprove anything of others life. I already said it... OTHERS LIFE... not mine. I still cared, believe me when i say that my heart burst inside of me of worries about him because of this. I'm talking about drugs. 

Everibody tells you... Drugs are bad for your health, your friends change - meaning that your no longer friends with people who before were big friends of you- you start changing your personality... and a lot more. And i know people talk a lot about this but i think.. or at least to me i almost never heard anyone talking about the hurt. Yes the hurt. The hurt that this drugs cause in people, not the user... yes thoose who were normally in theyre lifes when out of the suddent someone decides to conume drugs and just like that you are not friends no longer. 

He stopped caring. About school, friends... everything. Everyting and more. 

Now see where we were at this point. He replaced me with her and stop caring about anyone, just didn't give a shit to most of his friends, including me. And just to make things worse he in the end of the year was going to move to another country. So there was a reason to don't give a shit about yor friends... you would probably didn't even remember them at the end of the year when you change of country... Why bother? Yeah... that makes all sense... At least for me it doesn't. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2013 ⏰

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