Sing, Mummy

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You and Nia stayed at the living room as the boys talked to Simon in one of their bedroom about the news. With Niall's public announcement and confirming he's dating a 'normal' girl, Simon isn't quite loving it. As they continue to talk, Nia woke up from a little nap in your arms and you kissed her forehead.

"Continue to have your nap, sweetie. You're gonna be sleepy again soon." You told Nia and she pouted a little.

"But I don't wanna." She turn around and you grabbed onto her on time before she slipped off the sofa. You sighed a little. Parenting was tough when your child doesn't listen to you.

"Sweetie, come on. You just had a little nap. Don't go complaining when you say you haven't got much sleep." You told her but she sat up and crossed her arms.

"I wanna be awake, mummy." She gave you a sudden hug and you patted her head. It made you quite worry at her sudden behavior.

"Why, sweetie?" You asked and she hugged tighter. "I dreamed Daddy went away again." You were wide eyed. You hugged her back and your eyes became teary. You felt as it was part of your fault. You could have prevent this from happening but you knew it'll be a halt on his career.

"Mummy, can we play in the garden?" She gave out her best set of puppy eyes on you and you were defended. You guys went out and she ran around the garden. Never knew they would have such a lovely place in their mansion. She started dancing and she pulled you into it too.

You gave her a twirl and she laughed. "Sing for me, mummy. Sing the song you always sing to me." She said and you smiled. "Ok, sweetie. Anything you wish for." You carried her in your arms and she giggled at your response. You zipped your mouth signalling her to zip hers too. She did so and smiled eagerly at you. You guys sat on the green grass and you began to sing her favorite tune.

(Play video for more experience)

Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it
Lying upside down  

She joined in as you were about to sing the second verse and you happily allowed her too.

When you finally find it
You'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter
When you turn it around  

You guys sang with all your hearts content as you guys sang the chorus.

Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes

Nia started to yawn a little and you finished the last part of the song.

Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays  

And she fell asleep and you smiled. You knew it'll make Nia sleep. Soon, you heard clapping. You turned around and see Simon smirking.

A/n Hey guys! As you see, I've decided to make an extra chapter before the actual day. Since I'm on hols, I decide to update twice for this story. Hope you'll enjoy it~ Remember to vote or comment any opinion and follow me for more update on this story. And also check out my other story, Married at Sixteen and tell what you think. Sorry for it being short and again hope you enjoy it~

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