Chapter 1
-Lottie's POV-
Harry gripped his hand tightly around mine. Massaging my palm with his thumb. We waltzed through the empty streets of London once again. The road was lightly illuminated with the street lights making everything perfect. Harry and I had a light conversation, talking about things that nobody would ever know, not even Louis my older brother. It seemed like the perfect night, just me and him. Alone. Everything between me and him was hidden, nobody knew anything. I deeply yearned for people to know about us. It had to be hidden though, Harry wanted me protected and I didn't know why. I knew I couldn't go behind his back, I would then lose those precious moments between me and him. Him and I would be laughing and smiling showing off his charming dimples. I looked up at him, into his emerald eyes hiding a smile. His gaze gave me all the answers, the protection I needed. Just as Harry was about to lean down and kiss me passionatly I heard someone scream my name in the distance. I looked behind me, mortified. Louis.