Chapter Five- Where's Kylla?

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This chapter is dedicated to the real Kyla! #Mycole

"Now, tell me what this is all about." Mr Lawn said, once Mom and I were seated in chairs across from his desk. Mom looked in no hurry to start talking, as she was still pretty frozen with shock.

I took a deep breath and spoke up. I told him the whole tale, starting from the very beginning. I told him about the beach trip,  about the truck parked in front of the house across the street. I told him about the murderer using mom as a hostage, and about how we got here. When I finished, he didn't say anything for several long moments.

"Is this true, Mrs. Blaire?"

My mother gave a small, curt nod.

He sighed, and picked up a pair of glasses from his desk and put them on his long nose.

"This other girl involved, Kylla, was it? Where is she?"

"Oh, she's at her house- but she's oka-" I froze. "He saw her face too." I finished. "Oh no, Kylla! I hope she's okay!"

"We'll send a couple of officers over to her house immediately. In the meantime, give me the camera, and I will send the photo to the evidence officers to look at."

I handed it over to him. "Will Kylla be okay?"

He looked at me with a look in his eyes that I could only interpret as pity. "Let's hope so kid."

He opened the door to his office, and two officers met us there. "Of course, you two will have to go into protective custody, until the culprit is caught. Can't have you walking around in times like these. Once we get Miss Hill, we will bring her to your safehouse. You will have two guards with you at all times, just in case." He motioned with his head to the guards, who started leading us down the hallway.

"And don't worry." He called from behind us. "Everything will be all right."


I had never flown on a private jet before, but that's exactly what we did then. We were taken from the hands of the county police, and put into the hands of the FBI. I had never even met a member of the FBI before, and had certainly never had one protecting me. There were two FBI officers flying with us. One was a woman, and she was very nice. She explained to us what they were going to do in a calm, soothing voice. I liked her immediately. Her partner, was a different story, however. He had a long,, thin face and his voice sounded like chalk on a chalkboard (*shudder*) He acted like he would rather be anywhere but here, and that I was just a pest that he could swat anytime with his purple glittery fly swatter.

We landed on a remote runway, and then rode on a four wheeler to a small house protected by a camouflaged steel wall. The house itself looked like a piece of trash dumped in the forest. The walls looked like they'd cave in on you at any second, and the roof was falling in on itself. Only once you got inside, did you realize that that was just part of the disguise. The house was perfectly fine, and looked roomier and bigger on the inside than on the outside (hehe, tardis joke). It was only five rooms, with a kitchen, two bedrooms, a main room, and a bathroom. We settled in, and the female FBI agent gave us each a duffel bag filled with clothes.

"We didn't dare have you go back to your house yet, and so we asked around." she looked at me and smiled. "My daughter lent me a lot of clothes for you and Kylla. She's about your age; they should fit." She opened the fridge and the pantry and showed us that there was a lot of food already there, "For convenience" she said.

The agents soon left, after a couple more instructions. If they found Kylla, then she would be here in a few hours. If, was the big word on my mind.

We sat by the phone, reading, or just waiting, in my case. Finally, about three hours later, the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Hello Karlie, this is Mr. Lawn. I'm afraid I have some bad news about your friend, Kayla, was it?"

"Kylla" I corrected him.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I'm terribly sorry, " He certainly didn't sound sorry. He repeated himself. "I'm terribly sorry, but -" The line was cut off.

Sorry its such a short chapter! I'm been antsy thinking about Christmas break (No school for about 2 and a half weeks!), and haven't really known what to write.

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