Chapter 1

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Grey clouds decorate the black, storming sky. There is no moon. Thunder grumbles angrily in the background. Clear, grey rain thunders down on the somewhat tall grass, which looks almost black from the darkness. A menacing wind wails through the eerie, quite air. There is only one tree in view. Only one. A willow tree. It's very thick but quite short. Its branches mangles and thin, extending in every direction. The weather makes the slender branches shake in imaginary fear. It looks dark in this stormy, depressing night.

Besides the tree, there's just dark, roaming fields as far as the eye can see. No buildings. Or trees. Or life. Anywhere. Except for under the tree.

A figure stands silently under the weeping willow tree. A girl. She wears a long, off-white dress that flows with the wind. The dress is soaking wet and is in some places ripped or shredded. A long streak of red begins at the collar and runs about halfway down the fabric, creating a spiral design that decorates the dress.

The figure wears no shoes. Just pale, bare feet, cut and scraped. The grass frames the mysterious figure, it stretches up just before the knees.

Black hair shrouds a hidden face. Long,wispy strands fly out in all directions, kidnapped by the monster that is wind. The extremely black hair, if it were dry, would most likely reach halfway down the mysterious girls back. But right now, it's impossible to tell as the hair is whipping every which way.

I cannot see the girls face. Her hair, as I mentioned before, covers it. All I know is that she is very pale.

I begin to run towards her, the wet grass greeting my thighs. The rain splatters onto my face and into my eyes. I bring my cold hands up and attempt to wipe away the water.

As I get closer to the girl, I notice something quite terrifying. A frayed, knotted rope is tied lazily to a lower branch of the willow. It sways in the wind, dripping in the rain. At the end is a skillfully tied loop.

I continue to advance towards the stranger. I am only a few feet away from the tree when I stop. The girl, who was un-moving before; still as a statue even, saunters over to the rope. She reaches out a long, bony arm and clenches the bottom of the it. She then turns to me.

I sprint towards her, hoping for a miracle. I'm no less them two meters away when she begins to laugh, tipping her head back like a wolf, revealing a face as light as snow. A long, jagged scar cut from her left eye down to her chin, thin and white. Her lips are pale and a light pink. Her nose is small and her entire face just delicate. She looks so friendly. Except for one thing. Her eyes, oh her eyes. They were a bright, glowing blue, luminescent and speckled with black. They are filled with hate, anger, pity and humour.

I stare in disbelief as she looks my straight in the eyes, seemingly peering into my soul. Then her lips begin to move. Silently, barely above a whisper she says something I'll never forget. I don't know how it was audible over the storm, but it was. And the worst part was, she said it with truth and meaning. She laughed as she said it, she was filled with unhidden pride. The five, mysterious words she uttered were, "Im going to kill you,"

She then handed me the noose.

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